
21 june 2012    >  14/5  >  Alchemy/Art/Hierophant 



Get out of the box

Find difference in common

Seek yourself in All


Hello…And yippee for the first full day of Summer.  The longest day and shortest night. Summer actually began shortly after 7pm EDT yesterday.   What does it feel like to allow allll that LIght in?  To experience the vastness of your own bright light?  


 It’s clear that doing this daily tarot and numerology is not happening as I intended it to, and I do wish to share the days info in some way.  I’m figuring that out so if you are making visits here please be patient as I’m crafting a better way to do this and it might take me some time.  I’d like to share more wisdom of the cards especially and invite you to feel and find your own magic within the stories of the TArot cards.  I’d be grateful if any of you had a share or link to some of your insights.


What I invite you to do is to total the day up and than role through some of my previous info about that number and cards while expand and travel my way to make this blog more inviting and more expansive.  Like the LIght.


On this first full day of Summer is Alchemy and the Hierophant.  An invitation to take creative risk:  To resource possibilities and see what happens when you mix them up.  It’s an Outta’ The Box kinda day.  Dabbling with the magic and wonder of surprise.  And, the Hierophant, with all her/his spirituality seeking and holding space for a spiritual experience, there is the mixing of differences to find commonality.  

With all this Summer Light, shine it in unlikely corners and ‘see’, really look to find yourself uncovering deeper meaning in your life.  Embrace the unlikely, to know the impossible. Cause really… nothing is impossible.




What box do you need to get out of?

What creative risks are you willing to take?

What resources do you need to gather?

How can you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone?

What opportunities is standing right in front of you that you keep avoiding?

Do the boundaries you make for yourself actually support the life you desire to live?

What happens when you flow against the typical flow of life?

Can you do it scared?

Can you let go of your attachment to making it perfect and just see what happens?

How does perfection keep you from enjoying your life?

How can you remain safe and secure and still stretch yourself out of your box?


If you have any questions that you’d like to ask me… please do.


Please visit my poetry blog…  thanks


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