Tag Archives: THE FOOL




8 june 2012   >  10/19/1   >  Wheel of Fortune/The Sun/Magician


Good morning…  I’m going to continue to interview the daily Major Arcana cards.  What I hope will come from this process, this invitation, is that as you consider the day and/or your birthday year, you will get a sense of what It might feel like to enter a day in the life of one of these Archetypes and see/feel/smell… have a sensorial experience of what you might desire to get from your wisdom that is found within their story.  Remembering, that this is a very limited moment with the Wheel and an invitation and opportunity to feel what comes up for you as you allow the energy of the card to manifest in you world.  I will follow up with some questions that you might consider for you own sense of being/experiencing the card.

As for the numerology, I will keep that brief.

A day of being a ‘10’ that leads to.. #1: knowing your Oneness, knowing that you are at One with all there is and all you are.  It is about how you initiate your life, how you stand centered and your sense of personal awareness.  In considering The Wheel of Fortune, which can represent the Circle of Life; turning and changing,  up and down, east and west, ever inviting you in to your center where the journey of life is more steady and focused. That center can be where the Sun shine directly on you to help you flourish and see where you’re going and how you’re growing.



Is there any place on your Wheel that you particularly like to be?


I am the whole wheel, not just a piece of it.  360 degrees, of Life.  And, when I concentrate on different places within me I do notice that I feel different when I’m at the bottom, or the south of me.  It depends,  sometimes that feels very stable and secure, foundational, and sometimes it feels too low and to caught in the material world?  Stuck rather than grounded. It requires an attitude shift so I don’t get all negtive and down.  I just push myself up, reach out and up.  I reach up for the top to clear my mind, feeling the move slowly cause I can take my time in the west part of me.  That middle place between my security, and my top place of mental agility.  In the west, I can feel fluid.  It’s in the western part of my Life that I have a sense of feeling more flowing and sensitive.  I might linger there for a bit so I have a sense of where I want to move to before I get caught in too much analyzing and mental blabber. Of course, there I can bury myself in too much feeling and get caught in that rather than allowing myself to feel fully and move along.   The top of me can be fun, and it also can be stern, or confused.  A lot happens when life reaches ‘The Top’ as long as I don’t get to heady and forget the ‘roots’ of me.   It’s nice once all that gets figured out and move clockwise to the eastern side of my life.  Take a breath and watch the Sun rise cause the Sun is very much a part of who I am.


Right.  Of course you’re the Whole Wheel, what was I thinking.  It’s clear that getting caught too long in one part of your life can be overwhelming.  Is it the shifting between the many parts of you that helps keep you centered?


It’s the shifting and also, going right to the center of myself where everything is calm and one thing isn’t pulling me one way; although I have to say it’s a busy life and every part wants to be the primary piece.  If you  know what I mean?  And, if I can hold to that center long enough, steady my breathing, be aware of what grounds me, notice my spirit, allow myself to go with the flow of calm, and peace, I am truly All of myself all at once.  It’s nice.


I like that.  Being in the Center of yourself where all is calm and peaceful.  HOw about when you get out on the edges of yourself?


Oh.. that happens.  Something is bound to toss me out there.  HA… And when that happens I’m kinda holding on for dear life.  I feel like I’m clinging and flinging about.  When that happens I go to that place of allowing.  What I mean by that is that I allow myself to hang on for a bit to see where it takes me.  Is this a time when I need to feel the pull of the edges, experience a creative moment, or is this a time when the edges want to slices a piece of me off and let me flounder?  What is the lessons out here past what feels safe?  If an answer comes relatively quickly, then I know I’m suppose to experience this.  If it feels like the answer is muddled and messy, I do my best to breath… get back into my body at the center of myself.


That makes a lot of sense.  In closing, is there any special wisdom you’d like to tell our readers?


It’s your Life.  It’s a wheel within a wheel, bumping and experiencing, and passing, and exchanging with many other Wheels.  Remember, that the wheel turns and what comes up goes down and what goes down comes back up.  Ever moving is your life, your Fortunate self living at the Center, or the edges.  YOu choose.  Your center will Always be your place of goodness, and where you will have time to find peace and Wisdom.




How do you stay centered in yourself and if not how will you?

How will you push your edges and try to expand a little bit more?

What does the wheel of your life look like and how does it turn?

What new beginning is pushing at your edges to consider or take action on?

What can you do that supports that feeling of magic in the air?

If you ‘are the One’, how does your Oneness join with others?

What does the tool of ‘earth’ mean to you?

What does the tool of ‘fire’ mean to you

What does the tool of ‘water’ mean to you?

What does the tool of ‘air’ mean to you?

How can you use these tool to move with changes and turns of your life?


This blog is copyright.  Please… visit my Daily Poetry Blog..http://geezergirl.org.  Thanks so much.









2 june 2012    >  13/4/0


Hi there.  Welcome to Invitation Tarot.  I have done a lot of writing about all these Major Arcana cards and their influence on our days.  Thus, there is often repeats happening which I invite you to read from other days gone by to give you more insight to how I see the influences happening.  I’m sort of shifting my modality of writing to allow me to expand and embrace other cards in the deck, still, hopefully inviting you to consider the day, its influence, and especially its take on your Birthday year.

I am of the mind and heart, that the questions I ask in the end are what might trigger and light up a pathway for you to see beyond your limited self to the self that is vast, and connected to everyone and everything.  We are all One.  

Tarot cards for me are a tool.  A creative story telling tool that can connect us to ‘Spirit’, ‘Source’, our HIgher self, whatever you refer to that is your connection to ‘All that is’, Oneness, God.  My prayer, my imaginings, my hope, my sacred desire, is that you remember… 

‘You are the One you have been waiting for.”



Your wait is over

You are the One you’re here for

You are life’s dancer


Today… Death makes his/her visit with her ‘people’, The Emperor, and The Fool.  Tho’ the death card speaks to transformation, the ‘constellation’ with the other two cards speaks to starting out with nothing but Beingness in the Fool, gather life’s necessities, and having a home and stuff, and then being faced with letting go of something that feels difficult to let go of in the Death card.   What is easy to forget is that with a letting go, there comes an opportunity for something, fresh, new, inspired to take the loss of what was let go of.  Here in lies the magic of the Death card,…. letting go.  Allowing and end for a new beginning.   There is always discomfort in the letting the go.  What does it mean?  What will happen?  Will I be safe?  Will I miss?  Who will I be if not with That?  It’s not a casual time when life asks you to let go.  And… that is what is asked today and if it’s your birthday, you get a whole year of finding your way to surrender.  Remember, you have the innocence of the Fool, fresh and alive, and the Wisdom of the Emperor, stable and secure, to consult with.  Know your inner Fool and your Wise Self, listen and play with the two of them and your journey with Death will be liberating.



What might needs, ‘letting go of’ to give space for something new and improved?

Can you ‘jump’ into your life with a new idea, a refresher course in beingness?

How do you limit yourself?

What endings are you afraid to face?

What rules, structures, definitions need reevaluation?

What have you always wanted to do and were too afraid of the consequences and breaking of rules to ‘jump’ into?

What lights you up and brings you to your playful, child-like, enthusiastic self?

What does your inner child desire?

What does freedom mean to you?

Can you imagine death as a transformative experience …Figuratively speaking?

What ‘stuff’ needs to be boxed and sent to the thrift shop?

Do you need to be boxed and sent to the thrift shop?  lol


Please visit my poetry blog… htpp://geezergirl.org 





12 may 2012   >  0/4/13  >  Fool/Emperor/Death



There is no dark grave

When Light shimmers everywhere

Every Fool know that


Hi… hope this day for the Fool finds you ready to jump on in.  In the Tarot invitation here , I also invite you to pass this blog on to other interested people and I welcome some feedback from you.  Thanks…

 22, that master number that adds to ‘4’, the Emperor, and represents The Fool in the Tarot cards, invites you to JUMP…  eek.  There is innocence in the Fool.  There is a freedom in the not being burden with things, and defined thoughts, and ways of doing this and that.  The Fool steps into life, jumps into life, falls into life, to find life, to find his/her way.  At some point in freedoms jump the Fool embraces the Emperor: order, structure, rules, definition, form, how to run that castle well and keep the kingdom steady and organized.  Then… Death comes along and says… “Hey.. ya’ll got lots of stuff, and things, and minds sets that are limiting, and over ruled and defined.  That box is seriously confining.  Time to let it go.  Time to transform limited thinking and living to give space for something fresh, alive, and new.”  

And so this journey of ‘4’ comes into being with this set of Tarot cards.


The Invitation for you if this is your birthday or just another glorious day… is to consider all of the above with these questions:



What might need ‘letting go of’ to give space for something new and improved?

Can you ‘jump’ into your life with a new idea, a refresher course in beingness?

How do you limit yourself?

What does your box look like?

What rules, structures, definitions need reevaluation?

What have you always wanted to do and were too afraid of the consequences and breaking of rules to ‘jump’ into?

What lights you up and brings you to your playful, child-like, enthusiastic self?

What does your inner child desire?

What does freedom mean to you?

Can you imagine death as a transformative experience …Figuratively speaking?

What ‘stuff’ needs to be boxed and sent to the thrift shop?

Do you need to be boxed and sent to the thrift shop?  lol


Please visit my poetry blog… htpp://geezergirl.org 




22 april  2012   > 13/4/0  >   Death/Emperor/Fool



Waken to death’s knock

leave behind yesterdays want

Renew your old self


Good morning… thanks for you visit.


A lucky ‘13’ day.  That’s how I like to think of it.  A day, a year if it’s your birthday, of transformation.  Endings that give way to new beginnings.  Ridding of old ‘stuff’ to make way for the new. I think many of us our frightened of Death and what it means as it seems so final.  For me, in the Death card, I’m incline to considering the transformative aspects of death; Whether it be literal, or, which is often the case in this card, the metaphor of death.  The letting go of what doesn’t serve your life any more even though you maybe incredibly attached to it, it just might need to be let go of.  

‘4’, the Emperor likes order, structure, rules, a form to work in.  A home and family to support and give to.  Death, questions all that you possess, all that you give attachment to, be it body, mind, or spirit.   Transformation ask that you let go to let in what might better serve your life.  The Fool, well…he/she advocates surrender to the highest good, the freedom of being all of who you can be.  Jump into life fully.




What will you let go of to make way for something new?

What holds you to a way of being, living, acting, that doesn’t serve your life?

How does the thought, idea, feeling of transformation influence you?

Who’s rules have you been following, and do they work for you?

How can you create the life you deserve to have?

When will you let go?

Can you give form to your feelings?

What does leading an inspired life mean to you?


An Emperor kinda day.. number ‘4’




4 April 2012   > 4/13/0  >  Emperor/Death/Fool



Fool leads the way home

Structure rules order’s cubicle

Death laughs at it all


Thanks for youR visit and interest.. Today is an Emperor kinda day, the ‘4’s’ main attraction. The leader is in charge of order, structure, rules, getting things down, gathering resources, being very resourceful, knowing who else can get jobs down and delegating. ‘4’ and the Emperor are very busy leading and containing.  The trick is to not make that box inflexible or over structured.  Within that ‘4’ also abide the Fool and Death.  The Fool revels in freedom and the quest to just Be.  Death, suggests you look at all your stuff and the confines of living and consider letting go, give space to something new or simple live less confined.  

If this your birthday, you have a year to consider these invitations.


How might you get your ‘house’ in order?

What needs doing that you have put off?

Are there resources you need right now to get your life on track?

In what ways do you feel safe and how do you make that happen?

Can you let go of your attachment to something so that you have room for a greater possibility?

Are your rules limiting or expanding?

What do you value and do you live your life in accordance?

Is there enough ‘play’ in your structured world?

If you could transform one part of you life, what would it be?

What keeps you stuck and resisting that transformation?


Please…if you have time, visit my daily Poetry blog.  http://geezergirl.org 


INVITATION TAROT/NUMEROLOGY DAILY… 10.. and playing the foolish


1 April 2012   >  10/19/1  >  WheelofFortune/Sun/MAgician




One leaps into life

There is lots of foolishness

Anything can happen


 Hi there and thanks for you visit…

On this April fools day we are back to the ‘10’.  The Wheel has turned again as to be expected.  As I we look at the number ‘10’, you notice that included in the number is ‘0’ which is the Fool.  The magician and Fool make the number ‘10’, which makes up the Wheel of Fortune.  I could ramble on about it and I invite you to consider it and what comes up for you in this configuration.

The Wheel of Fortune, is the Circle of Life, turning and changing,  up and down, east and west; inviting you in to the center where the journey is more steady and focused, where the Sun shine directly on you to help you flourish and see where you’re going and how you’re growing.

A day of being #1, knowing your Oneness, knowing that you are at One with all there is and all you are.  The Magician has all the tools you need;  earth, fire, air, and water, that translates to; what you do, how you hold true to yourself and your passion, how you get clarity, how you feel, and what your heart speaks to you of.  

If today is your birthday, a blessed Fool may you be… these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.


How will you, how do you shine?

What new beginning is pushing at your edges to consider or take action on?

What can you do that supports that feeling of magic in the air?

If you ‘are the One’, how does your Oneness join with others?

What does the tool of ‘earth’ mean to you?  

What does the tool of ‘fire’ mean to you

What does the tool of ‘water’ mean to you?

What does the tool of ‘air’ mean to you?

What are some other names for these elements, or metaphors that you relate to?  i.e.  feeling grounded and stable, knowing your passion and the flame within you, listening to you heart and intuition, and getting clear and focused.

What of your own Sun will you shine on to make grow and come to fruition?


Please visit my poetry blog… http://geezergirl.org thanks



23 march 2012    >   13/4/22     >    Death/Emperor/Fool




Find luck in thirteen 

Transform the way to Folly

Lighten up your load


A lucky ‘13’ day.  That’s how I like to think of it.  A day, a year if it’s your birthday, of transformation.  Ending that give way to new beginnings.  Ridding of old ‘stuff’ to make way for the new.  ‘4’, likes order, structure, rules, a form to work in.  ‘13’, questions all that and yet also has rules and structure relative to the giving up attachment to things as well as thoughts and feelings that don’t serve your life.    The Fool, well…he/she advocates surrender to the highest good, the freedom of being all of who you can be.  Jump into life fully.




What will you let go of to make way for something new?

What holds you to a way of being, living, acting, that doesn’t serve your life?

How does the thought, idea, feeling of transformation influence you?

Who’s rules have you been following, and do they work for you?

How can you create the life you deserve to have?

When will you let go?

Can you give form to your feelings?

What does leading an inspired life mean to you?




5 march 2012   >   4/13/0  >   Emperor/Death/Fool



Know your domain well

Steward well the land’s family

Release chaos hold


Welcome and good morning.  Seems like the days fly by, right?  Today is a ‘4’ day.  I keep meaning to give you the methodology that I use to include the 22 Major Arcana in the typical number system 1-9.  It is a lengthy explanation that would take more time than I have in this moment, tho’ I will at some point, or you can see if you can find Mary Kay Greers book, Tarot Constellations.  I can say that I don’t add the number straight across tho’ they will indeed get you to a single number as all methods will.  I add the number up like this….      5




                                   2020 > 2+2 = 4   thus the Emperor


Death #13 and The Fool #0 are part of the ‘constellation’ ‘4’.  Why the Fool?  Well, in The Major Arcana there are ‘22’ cards.  The Fool being ‘0’. thus the Fool takes on the 22cd card which adds to ‘4’.  Since I want to include the Tarot in this Invitation of Tarot and numerology, I want all the Major Arcana, so I add them up this way to get to the first Tarot card which might be a double digit. It might have added to 13 today which would have made today lend itself more to transformation; endings and new beginnings which is a bit different than the Emperors desire to put things in order: to give form and structure, rules and securities to the ‘kingdom/queendom’.  Always…. I include the numerical compliment of each Tarot card so that you can have a feeling for some of the energy that is assisting the primary card, which for today is the  Emperor.

 Have I confused you completely?  Sorry if I have.  Basically, today…. get your house in order, a day to see what needs doing and what needs to be done with.  Look at those piles of stuff or that thing you were going to move around, or that list that keeps building up and not attended to, and get busy.  The Emperor of you has got some business to attend to today.


**If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.



Consider the the form and structure you ‘run’ your life in and with, and is it working for you?  

Is your ‘Castle’ operational in the way you like it? 

If there is chaos around your space, and what little thing might you do to shift that?

What agreements did you make with yourself to get things done and they are not done even a little?

Can you make new agreements with yourself to get things back on track?

If you share space with another are you keeping your agreement of order together?

And if not what might you do to get back on track there?

Does the Emperor of you need a little help and who can help you best?

(The Emperor knows who does what best and can delegate very well)

How well do you know your ‘king/queendom’?




15 feb 2012   >  0/4/13   >  Fool/Emperor/Death


In this ‘4’ day which, when added across is first ‘22’ leading to the ‘4’, I give ‘22’ to the Fool.  Twenty-two Major Arcana, and the Fool finds him/herself at the beginning as ‘0’. So, the Fool becomes part of this constellation tarot card.  It goes a little like this:  The Fool says, “Come on, jump into life.  Take a change, trust me that is really you, innocent, ready to begin anew journey.  You don’t need much, just your instincts and the belief that it will be just fine.”  The Emperor say,  “Now that you’ve landed, what do you intend to do?  You need a home, and stability.  You need some rules to abide by and a form to work in.”   Then Death comes along with a little transformational Wisdom and says,  “Yes, well, do you really need all that stuff?  Are all those rules really working for you?  Aren’t you feeling stuck and caught in the rat race? And who knows what all is limiting your life, Right?  Let it go.  Just let go of some of that so you can make some space for what really matters. Surrender Dorothy so you can find your way back home.”  

In this invitation for the day, the journey of letting go, trusting in what you think you don’t know, building a form and a structure to live in and with, and then letting it go, transforming and evolving so you can be The Fool, jump into life with the innocence of new beginning and find your way to completion and letting go.  Birth/Life/Death, again.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.



HOw do you experience or notice innocence?

Do you dare ‘act the fool’ and what does that mean anyway?

What needs to be cleared out of your life to make room for what you really desire in your life?

How might you get your house in order?

If chaos is hovering around you, how will you discard what doesn’t serve you and let in what does?

What chance is sitting right in front of you that teases you in to taking?

What about letting go of ‘stuff’ and old thoughts, holds you hostage?

There is literal Death and figurative Death, what of either of these frightens you?

Letting go of anything has a grieving time.  How might you grieve your letting go?

Is what you have built around you a castle prison, making it difficult to expand your life?

What small step can you take to release old crap?



Be the Fool and jump

Life has been waiting for you

Trust is love diving