Tag Archives: TAROT HAIKU



12 july 2012     >   6/15     >  Lovers/Devil



Love is everywhere

There is no place it can’t be

Eyes closed breathe it in


Good morning… Thought I’d summersault my way to these pages this morning.  Clearly, a daily TArot and numerology experience is not going to happen here, tho’ I do so love sharing my perceptions here with you.  It wasn’t all that long ago that I ‘interviewed’ the Lovers, (13th june) and here that day rolls back as it does in what seems often.

How ever it all shakes out, this is a day of relationships, communion with others, the gift of caring, giving and receiving, the experience of deepening yourself with yourself through the exchange with others.  

In this dual world of light n’ dark, sorrow and joy, all those opposites staring each other in the face; this is a day to find awareness in your own humanity, and how you can take those opposites and find your center.  People, relationships, love, communion, all are ways to know who you are in the world.  How you can be your best self by the reflection of others.  

Be-devilment, is that piece of the story that stirs the pot of these exchanges allowing for deeper and more meaningful challenges to rise to support or inhibit your relationships.  

And, when questions of trust, or a feeling of giving and giving and getting nothing in return rise, the Devil pokes and prods you into finding the sweet spot to figuring that all out.  Only, it doesn’t often feel very good in the process.  So, if you give and feel there is no return and you’re on empty, maybe it’s a time to consider this: are you giving for the simple joy of giving or are you giving cause you desire return.  To give in a pure sense, is to receive.  If relationships are not feeling good, then is it time to settle into observing the journey?  Is this how you wish your ‘Heart’s Desire’ to flow?  If not, than what is your intention?  And how can you find the joy in the center?




How do you sustain harmony and balance in your life?

When do you notice that you have ‘giving yourself away’ and there isn’t enough for just you?

If the ‘Devil made you do it’, what would you have done otherwise?

What patterns rise for you when life is going well and balanced, and you get restless to stir the pot up by creating disharmony?  Why?

How do you make sure that you are taking care of yourself as well as others?

How does the ‘be-devilment’ remind you of who you really are?

How do you trick yourself into believing the unbelievable?

How will you nurture your relationships in a healthy way?

How do you make friends with your devilish side?

What would you like to do differently from your usually pattern of caregiving that still feels like you are giving and receiving?




21 june 2012    >  14/5  >  Alchemy/Art/Hierophant 



Get out of the box

Find difference in common

Seek yourself in All


Hello…And yippee for the first full day of Summer.  The longest day and shortest night. Summer actually began shortly after 7pm EDT yesterday.   What does it feel like to allow allll that LIght in?  To experience the vastness of your own bright light?  


 It’s clear that doing this daily tarot and numerology is not happening as I intended it to, and I do wish to share the days info in some way.  I’m figuring that out so if you are making visits here please be patient as I’m crafting a better way to do this and it might take me some time.  I’d like to share more wisdom of the cards especially and invite you to feel and find your own magic within the stories of the TArot cards.  I’d be grateful if any of you had a share or link to some of your insights.


What I invite you to do is to total the day up and than role through some of my previous info about that number and cards while expand and travel my way to make this blog more inviting and more expansive.  Like the LIght.


On this first full day of Summer is Alchemy and the Hierophant.  An invitation to take creative risk:  To resource possibilities and see what happens when you mix them up.  It’s an Outta’ The Box kinda day.  Dabbling with the magic and wonder of surprise.  And, the Hierophant, with all her/his spirituality seeking and holding space for a spiritual experience, there is the mixing of differences to find commonality.  

With all this Summer Light, shine it in unlikely corners and ‘see’, really look to find yourself uncovering deeper meaning in your life.  Embrace the unlikely, to know the impossible. Cause really… nothing is impossible.




What box do you need to get out of?

What creative risks are you willing to take?

What resources do you need to gather?

How can you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone?

What opportunities is standing right in front of you that you keep avoiding?

Do the boundaries you make for yourself actually support the life you desire to live?

What happens when you flow against the typical flow of life?

Can you do it scared?

Can you let go of your attachment to making it perfect and just see what happens?

How does perfection keep you from enjoying your life?

How can you remain safe and secure and still stretch yourself out of your box?


If you have any questions that you’d like to ask me… please do.


Please visit my poetry blog… http://geezergirl.org  thanks




6 june 2012   >   8/17   >   Adjustment/Balance/Justice/The STAR



Fairly adjusted

Sun to blue, Stars to night sky

Atmosphere changes


Thanks for joining me this morning.  Did anyone see/fee/experience last evenings Venus ‘eclipse’ of the Sun?  The Solar Feminine.   One my other blog, http://geezergirl.org  I wrote a poem about the what came up for me with this special Cosmic event.  I’ll share it here this morning after I share my thoughts and feeling about todays number and card.


Todays invitation is about balance, justice, adjusting life just right so you can settle in to what feels right and comfortable for you: managing the ebb and flow of life’s endless gifts and interferences.

The number ‘8’ and the tarot card Balance/Adjustment, and Justice along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17)give of their wisdom today and if it’s your birthday, a whole year of considering this questions and thoughts I share with you here.

 Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowley’s delineation, making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is Wisdom’s way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 

In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How do you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What is interfering with your sense of balance and equilibrium and what might you do shift that?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?


Please visit my poetry blog.   http://geezergirl.org    thanks




She enters him Lightly

Filling him slowly

Letting him take in 

his dark corners



She enters him Lightly

Gives fully her body

Lets him feel

the depth of



She enters him Lightly

exposing him completely

nothing is left unseen

everything is



She enters him Lightly

He now knows absolutely

his inner light takes action

on behalf of great





5 june 2012   >    7/16  >     Chariot/Tower


she penetrates Light

no corner is left to Dark

feel everything now 

Back on track.  I feel that when I make a mistake in my addition for the day, as embarrassing as it is,  that there is always a higher reason for the mistake and it is what needed to be said.  (I’m covering for myself LOL)  Anyway… HI there.. thanks for your visit.  I’ve added correctly and we ARE on a ‘7’ day with the Charioteer as our invitation to the day with the Tower an ‘ally’.


In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.


The Chariot is that warrior that embraces all these ‘7’qualities; that sits splendidly in his/her grand Chariot all dressed and ready to go; ready to be called up to take action when action is needed to be taken.  One of my deck has four butterflies with and eye on each wing as the trusted steeds that will carry the Chariot forth.  I like this representation rather than the horses without reins, as it speaks to the metamorphous and fragile beauty of the Will it takes to command the Chariot to move forward.  The Charioteer uses her focused Will to move the Chariot to take action on behalf of what has at last come to culmination and the time has come to Move.  It is a powerful statement about this card.


One of the qualities of our Charioteer is that they have given focus and attention to something that has moved them deeply, and they have waited patiently for the time to come when their service is called upon.  For called up they will be to take this passionate caring to the next level.


This is what this day and birthday year are about.  




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

What is your passion and are you willing to give yourself to it?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




4 june 2012   >  >   6/15   >   Lovers/Devil


Good morning. I made an oopzy yesterday and did yesterdays for today.  Sorry.  It’s actually probably easier to have the day ahead be for the next day. Did that make sense?  


 A Lovers day.  Aaaah.  Settling into a day of relationship.  If it is your birthday, it is a whole year of delving into relationship with yourself and others.  Deepening the creative force and value of the ‘6’.


In the ‘6’ there is a great desire for harmony, there is the nurturer, the care giver, the giving of the self so that others thrive, and the focus on hearth and home.  If your number is ‘6’ (add your date of birth together) you also have a charm about you that can be irresistible. Problems rise when you have given yourself away and have nothing left for you.  It’s easy to see the Lovers in this number.  

The Lovers is very much the way of the ‘6’.  Seeking partnership and connection on a heart level; really on any level.  Even for some that avoid or deny their desire or want for relationship, are actually paying a lot of attention to it by the avoidance.  And, IMO, relationships are how we deepen ourselves and find out who we really are in the land that is us.  Relationships, reflect back to us how we connect, exchange, feel love, and friendship.  How we cherish ourselves.  How is your relationship with yourself these days?


Now that Devil… well…The Devil is the trickster, he/she who sets before you choices that tease you from your path and suggest that you might want to try something different, a new fruit to flavor your life. Also, the Devil can push your denial to a higher level and invite you to go in deeper to understand that denial if you can face your fear of being loved and cared for as you are.   When you begin to question who you are and what you do, the Devil will slip into your mind, and tickle at what challenges these questions. The Devil, that little poky voice within, pushes at your marginal resolve, into something that might not be the something you had in mind.  If you know what I mean?  The Devil will challenge your relationships; the ones you have with others and the the one you have with yourself. Thus, I am of the mind that the Devil performs a gift for you on your Path of life so that you can really have a sense of your integrity, your authenticity, and how you allow harmony and love in your life. 




How do you sustain harmony and balance in your life?

When do you notice that you have ‘giving yourself away’ and there isn’t enough for just you?

If the ‘Devil made you do it’, what would you have done otherwise?

What patterns rise for you when life is going well and balanced, and you get restless to stir the pot up by creating disharmony?  Why?

How do you make sure that you are taking care of yourself as well as others?

How does the ‘be-devilment’ remind you of who you really are?

How do you trick yourself into believing the unbelievable?

How will you nurture your relationships in a healthy way?

How do you make friends with your devilish side?

What would you like to do differently from your usually pattern of caregiving that still feels like you are giving and receiving?




3 june 2012    >   6/15   >   Lovers/Devil


Good morning.  A Lovers day.  Aaaah.  Settling into a day of relationship.  If it is your birthday, it is a whole year of delving into relationship with yourself and others.  Deepening the creative force and value of the ‘6’.


In the ‘6’ there is a great desire for harmony, there is the nurturer, the care giver, the giving of the self so that others thrive, and the focus on hearth and home.  If your number is ‘6’ (add your date of birth together) you also have a charm about you that can be irresistible. Problems rise when you have given yourself away and have nothing left for you.  It’s easy to see the Lovers in this number.  

The Lovers is very much the way of the ‘6’.  Seeking partnership and connection on a heart level; really on any level.  Even for some that avoid or deny their desire or want for relationship, are actually paying a lot of attention to it by the avoidance.  And, IMO, relationships are how we deepen ourselves and find out who we really are in the land that is us.  Relationships, reflect back to us how we connect, exchange, feel love, and friendship.  How we cherish ourselves.  How is your relationship with yourself these days?


Now that Devil… well…The Devil is the trickster, he/she who sets before you choices that tease you from your path and suggest that you might want to try something different, a new fruit to flavor your life. Also, the Devil can push your denial to a higher level and invite you to go in deeper to understand that denial if you can face your fear of being loved and cared for as you are.   When you begin to question who you are and what you do, the Devil will slip into your mind, and tickle at what challenges these questions. The Devil, that little poky voice within, pushes at your marginal resolve, into something that might not be the something you had in mind.  If you know what I mean?  The Devil will challenge your relationships; the ones you have with others and the the one you have with yourself. Thus, I am of the mind that the Devil performs a gift for you on your Path of life so that you can really have a sense of your integrity, your authenticity, and how you allow harmony and love in your life. 




How do you sustain harmony and balance in your life?

When do you notice that you have ‘giving yourself away’ and there isn’t enough for just you?

If the ‘Devil made you do it’, what would you have done otherwise?

What patterns rise for you when life is going well and balanced, and you get restless to stir the pot up by creating disharmony?  Why?

How do you make sure that you are taking care of yourself as well as others?

How does the ‘be-devilment’ remind you of who you really are?

How do you trick yourself into believing the unbelievable?

How will you nurture your relationships in a healthy way?

How do you make friends with your devilish side?

What would you like to do differently from your usually pattern of caregiving that still feels like you are giving and receiving?


 please visit my poetry blog…. http://geezergirl.org



2 june 2012    >  13/4/0


Hi there.  Welcome to Invitation Tarot.  I have done a lot of writing about all these Major Arcana cards and their influence on our days.  Thus, there is often repeats happening which I invite you to read from other days gone by to give you more insight to how I see the influences happening.  I’m sort of shifting my modality of writing to allow me to expand and embrace other cards in the deck, still, hopefully inviting you to consider the day, its influence, and especially its take on your Birthday year.

I am of the mind and heart, that the questions I ask in the end are what might trigger and light up a pathway for you to see beyond your limited self to the self that is vast, and connected to everyone and everything.  We are all One.  

Tarot cards for me are a tool.  A creative story telling tool that can connect us to ‘Spirit’, ‘Source’, our HIgher self, whatever you refer to that is your connection to ‘All that is’, Oneness, God.  My prayer, my imaginings, my hope, my sacred desire, is that you remember… 

‘You are the One you have been waiting for.”



Your wait is over

You are the One you’re here for

You are life’s dancer


Today… Death makes his/her visit with her ‘people’, The Emperor, and The Fool.  Tho’ the death card speaks to transformation, the ‘constellation’ with the other two cards speaks to starting out with nothing but Beingness in the Fool, gather life’s necessities, and having a home and stuff, and then being faced with letting go of something that feels difficult to let go of in the Death card.   What is easy to forget is that with a letting go, there comes an opportunity for something, fresh, new, inspired to take the loss of what was let go of.  Here in lies the magic of the Death card,…. letting go.  Allowing and end for a new beginning.   There is always discomfort in the letting the go.  What does it mean?  What will happen?  Will I be safe?  Will I miss?  Who will I be if not with That?  It’s not a casual time when life asks you to let go.  And… that is what is asked today and if it’s your birthday, you get a whole year of finding your way to surrender.  Remember, you have the innocence of the Fool, fresh and alive, and the Wisdom of the Emperor, stable and secure, to consult with.  Know your inner Fool and your Wise Self, listen and play with the two of them and your journey with Death will be liberating.



What might needs, ‘letting go of’ to give space for something new and improved?

Can you ‘jump’ into your life with a new idea, a refresher course in beingness?

How do you limit yourself?

What endings are you afraid to face?

What rules, structures, definitions need reevaluation?

What have you always wanted to do and were too afraid of the consequences and breaking of rules to ‘jump’ into?

What lights you up and brings you to your playful, child-like, enthusiastic self?

What does your inner child desire?

What does freedom mean to you?

Can you imagine death as a transformative experience …Figuratively speaking?

What ‘stuff’ needs to be boxed and sent to the thrift shop?

Do you need to be boxed and sent to the thrift shop?  lol


Please visit my poetry blog… htpp://geezergirl.org 





1 june 2012  >  12/3/21   >   HangedOne/Empress/Universe


Turn yourself around

360 of heart open

Lay down and look up


Hello.  And here is the Hanged One again.  Certainly the most popular of cards so far this year. For pure numerologist, it would lead to a ‘3’ day, The Empress. Some of her qualities are to nurture creativity, birth new form into being, and to consider the inclusive/exclusive ways of the World.

As I said recently, I think it’s poignant  that we are invited to ‘turn the world upside down’ and take another look at it all.  Or, more specifically, turn yourself around and a little upside down and get a new perspective.  What will you include and exclude?  And Is the Hokey Pokey really what it’s all about? 

I mean…. Really?  Is it?

The Universe, is calling us all to shift our perceptions and perhaps our attachment to our limited thinking and embrace a broader, more expansive vision of the world we live in.  Become more inclusive and see ourselves as part of the Great Universal Oneness. I am of the heart that we are All in on this living here on this evolving planet to share the common goal of achieving our Highest Good.  To be of kindness and love.


Since The Hanged One touches many birthdays this year, let’s hope that a year full of shifting perspective helps to heal our planet and our relationships with others and ourselves.


How might you shift your perspective?

Can you take a moment to notice how you make critique of something and change that?

Can you become more inclusive?

Can you see your ‘brothers/sisters’ in the people that pass you by on the street, in the store, anywhere?

How can you nurture positive thinking?

What new idea or concept might you take action on: birth?

Elementally speaking….

In the Earth of it… How do you create new boundaries?  How do you change what you do?

Or, HOw do you take what you have done and share it with the larger community?

In the Air of it… How do  you breathe new life into your life?  What needs clarifying as you shift your perceptive? What do you ‘cut away’ that doesn’t serve your present Path?

In the Water of it… What is the flow that you most desire to have?  How do you keep your heart open and honest?  How do keep your emotional integrity?

In the Fire of it….  How do you embrace your light?  What does Spirit have to say to you as you sit patiently waiting to listen?  Have you been being Authentic and what does that mean to you?

What needs burning away so there is a place to plant your new seeds?




31 may 2012   > 14/5   >   Alchemy/Art/Hierophant



Be aware of boxed up

Untie the ribbon that binds you

Pop out of the cube


Hi there and welcome to this last day of May and an invitation from Alchemy, #14.  Anything is possible and if it can it will.  What box do you need out of?

Art/Alchemy, invites you into the gift of creativity in a way that is about considering the magic that is around and with-in you. Are you ready to take some creative risks?.  Considering turning stone into gold.  I know, Right?  The impossible meets the unlike; you stir those together and you get….. it’s a mystery.  They may work, they may not, and maybe you try it again.  Hopefully you try it again, and risk the wonder of finding a new path, a new thing, a new way to express yourself.  For me, the gift of Art is making mistakes that aren’t really mistakes and are really an opportunity to open the door, Get out of the box (#5), and see an opportunity to expand your creative being.

 ‘5’ invites the resourceful you to start gathering and thinking out of the box.  It can look like the five pointed star. Today is a day/year to consider how attached you are to all that form and order, and do you need to get out of your ‘box’?  In other words, are you confined, defined, stuck in a structure in your life that  is not really expansive and creative anymore?  Are you mixing the improbably with the unlikely to see what wonder might happen?


The Hierophant is a spiritual leader who gathers and shares information; resourcing the ways of the world and the inherent diversity of the people.  Deepening the understanding that differences and likenesses fill the circle of life with a multitude of beliefs, and that within that is magic.  The Hierophant can be an encyclopedia of life.

Imagine the wonder of these two archetypes stretching beyond the ‘box’ of life creatively resources and exploring the great beyond.  Whatever that might be for you.




What box do you need to get out of?

What creative risks are you willing to take?

What resources do you need to gather?

How can you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone?

What opportunities is standing right in front of you that you keep avoiding?

Do the boundaries you make for yourself actually support the life you desire to live?

What happens when you flow against the typical flow of life?

Can you do it scared?

Can you let go of your attachment to making it perfect and just see what happens?

How does perfection keep you from enjoying your life?

How can you remain safe and secure and still stretch yourself out of your box?


If you have any questions that you’d like to ask me… please do.


Please visit my poetry blog… http://geezergirl.org  thanks



30 may 2012  >   13/4/0   >  Death/Emperor/Fool




Go and do it scared

Fear holds you if you let it

Soar into life free


And what might you transform today?    Good morning.  A day/year, if it’s your birthday, of Transformation.  Making space for what you always believe was your heart’s desire and life cluttered it up…. with your help.  

Death.  Many of us don’t like to talk about death or consider it.  There is a great fear around it,especially when it concerns physical death.  I’m of the mind and heart that this card is more about ‘the death of a way of doing things, or maybe the ending of something that needed ending long ago… or maybe bringing closure to that thing that never really was going any where.  What is that you have in your life that binds you to some discontent that never feeds your soul quite right?  Can you Let It Go?  It might take a little baby step at a time.  It might not even be something you give much attention to.  It might be an old pattern that you repeat and repeat, hopeful that it will one day surprise you and Voila, it’s all good.  What ever holds you from the fullness of yourself, I invite you to consider letting it go and giving space for something that Fills you up with goodness and light.




What holds you from having all the joy you deserve? Name three.

Who told you that you can not have your heart’s desire?

What is your heart’s desire?

What does transforming a situation mean for you?

How have you cluttered up your life and what can you do about that?

What is one small thing you can let go of today to start the process of releasing old crap?

What scares you into complacency?

How does death scared you?

How can you live your life free of fear?

What can keep you grounded as you release old stories and things that need letting go of?

What boundaries need your attention as you attend to making life joyful?

What does it mean to you to take the risk of letting go and taking a jump more fully into your life?


PLEASE .. visit my poetry blog… http://geezergirl.org      Thanks