Tag Archives: THE TOWER

THE TOWER ON THE 4th of July


4th july 2012     16/7    Tower/Chariot


Good morning.  A beautiful gracious morning here.  I’m on a lake, at a cottage in Northern Michigan with my family feasting on the smells and sounds of nature.  I sit here with great gratitude, inhaling it all as the sun rises with the intense chatter of birds.  Lucky me.

Last night in honor of the Full Moon in Capricorn, I did a ritual.  It was a global group ritual, in which I gathered with others and joined as One Light for the healing and evolvement of the Earth, us, and all that have gather here to be part of this Earthly plan.  The intention was/is to know your Divinity as God/Goddess/Source/Oneness, what ever you choose to call It, and connect with “All that Is” as a group not the separate self.  To shift the Duality that keeps us separate and see that WE ARE ALL ONE.  Everything…

For me it was laying out an altar, laying out some cards, and sitting in silence with the intentions I wrote down that I considered in tandem with holding Divinity and Group consciousness.


It’s interesting to me that it is a Tower day as the planet Pluto (I still think of it as a planet ; )) which is in Capricorn digs us deep into the core of life, pushing our emotions, pushing at the structures set in place to make life here as it is, inviting us, testing us, to take responsibility for what is happening globally and the churning of how we feel about it All.


The energy on this planet is palpable.  For me,  I feel it deeply at my core with Pluto being my guide whether I like it or not.  Can you feel the shifts and changes?


The Tower speaks to stability and structures that have lost their connection to the very foundation that gave to their evolvement to be bigger, better, more powerful, leaving behind the core reason, core foundation that they built their power on.  Communication has been lost, even ignored by ‘the Top’ in relationship to the foundation that is needed to sustain them/it.  Ultimately, the Tower sways, and shifts and will tumble.  The focus of the ‘7’, the intention, the inspiration that is in that number, takes the on the negative qualities and becomes lost to the illusion of control and power.  Inspiration no longer considers everything and everyone, only to be at the top of the heap. 


I think this is very telling in our world right now and it is my prayer, my meditation that this separation ends where we all share in the goodness and kindness of each other.  So as you consider the Tower that is part of you: The positive piece of being fully connect to “As above so Below”, rather than disconnect and strayed by separation and a false sense of control and power, here are some questions to consider:


How firm is your foundation?

How strong are your roots?

What is inviting you to notice what shifts and changes you need to attend to?

How might getting back to ‘basics’ support your life right now?

Is it time to take a project to the next level?

Is your foundation feeling strong enough, steady enough to take some risks?

Are you being clear in your communications so that ALl who are on a need to know basic, Know?

HOw much more do you need and when is enough enough?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?













5 june 2012   >    7/16  >     Chariot/Tower


she penetrates Light

no corner is left to Dark

feel everything now 

Back on track.  I feel that when I make a mistake in my addition for the day, as embarrassing as it is,  that there is always a higher reason for the mistake and it is what needed to be said.  (I’m covering for myself LOL)  Anyway… HI there.. thanks for your visit.  I’ve added correctly and we ARE on a ‘7’ day with the Charioteer as our invitation to the day with the Tower an ‘ally’.


In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.


The Chariot is that warrior that embraces all these ‘7’qualities; that sits splendidly in his/her grand Chariot all dressed and ready to go; ready to be called up to take action when action is needed to be taken.  One of my deck has four butterflies with and eye on each wing as the trusted steeds that will carry the Chariot forth.  I like this representation rather than the horses without reins, as it speaks to the metamorphous and fragile beauty of the Will it takes to command the Chariot to move forward.  The Charioteer uses her focused Will to move the Chariot to take action on behalf of what has at last come to culmination and the time has come to Move.  It is a powerful statement about this card.


One of the qualities of our Charioteer is that they have given focus and attention to something that has moved them deeply, and they have waited patiently for the time to come when their service is called upon.  For called up they will be to take this passionate caring to the next level.


This is what this day and birthday year are about.  




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

What is your passion and are you willing to give yourself to it?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




24 may 2012   >   16/7   >  Tower/Chariot


Good morning… Welcome to Invitation Tarot.  Doesn’t it feel like there is 37 minutes to an hour these days?  Sure does for me.  Zooom.



Rooted, strong, secure

Reaching, expanding, growing

Always remember home


Today invites you to ‘16’ and the Tower.  The Tower card gives a story about what happens when the foundation of something keeps reaching beyond itself in a way that you begin to forget what base you started from.  Reaching till what your ‘grass root’ knowledge grows into something that no longer understands or connects to that very root of what brought the idea/the creation, into being in the first place.  And without the foundation resting securing beneath the journey of growth and expansion, and the constant reconnecting with that foundation; what gathered momentum and growth can forget where the birthing of an idea came from. Without the connection to your roots, to what grounds you and holds you secure and safe, you can take a tumble.

In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.

The Charioteer, shares the story of gathering, investigating, observing something they feel passionate about. giving focus to a cause, or whatever it is that they feel called into life for their own special purpose.  They will take their time and become fluent in what holds their attention.  Shear will, will drive them on.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




15 may 2012   >   7/16  >   Chariot/The Tower



You already know it

The infinite you knows all

Hear it in bird song


Hi… doesn’t it seem like there is like 37 minutes to an hour these days?  wheew..

Welcome to my Invitation Tarot and Numerology blog.  I post most days and if I don’t please, if you are so inclined, take a look at a previous day that adds up to the day I missed and take a read there.  I don’t wish to bore you with repeats and some days I’m not feeling as creative in my retelling.  


In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.


The Charioteer, shares the story of gathering, investigating, observing something they feel passionate about. giving focus to a cause, or whatever it is that they feel called into life for their own special purpose.  They will take their time and become fluent in what holds their attention.  Shear will, will drive them on. 

The Tower card gives a story about what happens when the foundation of something keeps reaching beyond itself.  Reaching till it has grown into something that no longer understands or connects to the very root of what brought it into being in the first place.  And without the foundation of life secure and solid in the knowing of what it stands on, the Tower can take a tumble, needing to remember where it began and felt safest.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




6 may 2012  > 7/16  >  Charioteer/Tower


How about that ‘Super’ Moon last night?  Here is a site that gives you info on the wonder of it.


When the moon is full, think of your own sense of fullness.  What you bring into fruition.  Remember those ‘seeds’ you planted last month or some time ago?  Those seeds of possibilities that you had hope for?  Now is time to see where they have all grown.  Are they where you want them?  How will you nurture them into all that you hoped they might be?


The number for the day is ‘7’.  In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.


The Charioteer, shares the story of gathering, investigating, observing something they feel passionate about. giving focus to a cause, or whatever it is that they feel called into life for their own special purpose.  They will take their time and become fluent in what holds their attention.  Shear will, will drive them on. 

The Tower card gives a story about what happens when the foundation of something keeps reaching beyond itself.  Reaching till it has grown into something that no longer understands or connects to the very root of what brought it into being in the first place.  And without the foundation of life secure and solid in the knowing of what it stands on, the Tower can take a tumble, needing to remember where it began and felt safest.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




16 april 2012   >  7/16   > Chariot/Tower

Goodmorning…  another wet spring day in Michigan… And the days turn…




Wait to ride the wind

Herald the message beyond

Remember your seed


In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.


The Charioteer, shares the story of gathering, investigating, observing something they feel passionate about. giving focus to a cause, or whatever it is that they feel called into life for their own special purpose.  They will take their time and become fluent in what holds their attention.  Shear will, will drive them on. 

The Tower card gives a story about what happens when the foundation of something keeps reaching beyond itself.  Reaching till it has grown into something that no longer understands or connects to the very root of what brought it into being in the first place.  And without the foundation of life secure and solid in the knowing of what it stands on, the Tower can take a tumble, needing to remember where it began and felt safest.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




7 april  2012   >  7/16  >   Chariot/Tower


Moon lit traveler flies  

Beyond where the eyes can see  

Circles the globe again


And a bright Full Moon morning to you.  From where I stoodHow did that Full Moon incite/insight you?


The Charioteer, shares the story of gathering, investigating, observing something they feel passionate about. giving focus to a cause, or whatever it is that they feel called into life for their own special purpose.  They will take their time and become fluent in what holds their attention.  Shear will, will drive them on. 

The Tower card gives a story about what happens when the foundation of something keeps reaching beyond itself.  Reaching till it has grown into something that no longer understands or connects to the very root of what brought it into being in the first place.  And without the foundation of life secure and solid, in the knowing of what it stands on and for, the Tower can take a tumble.  The Tower needs to remember where it began and felt safest as it reaches for the top.

In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ finds inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




8 march 2012    >  7/16   >  Charioteer/Tower




Will your focus straight

Heart knows the matter of things

Trust what you believe


In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.

The Charioteer, shares the story of gathering, investigating, observing something they feel passionate about. giving focus to a cause, or whatever it is that they feel called into life for their own special, spiritual  purpose.  They will take their time and become fluent in what holds their attention.  Shear will, will drive them on.

The Tower card gives a story about what happens when the foundation of something keeps reaching beyond itself.  Reaching till it has grown into something that no longer understands or connects to the very root of what brought it into being in the first place.  And without the foundation of life secure and solid in the knowing of what it stands on, the Tower can take a tumble, needing to remember where it began and felt safest.

If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




18 feb 2012  >   16/7  >   The Tower/Charioteer


In the ‘7’, there is the investigator, the analyzer, the observer; he/she who misses nothing and gathers what they know into a deeper understanding of how things work and the reason for being.  They are on a need to know bases as they tend to be suspicious of others.  ‘7’ find inspiration in everything they take interest in. There is a tenaciousness about ‘7’s’, at times even a willful fervor when something is decided, it become nearly unshakeable in the truth of it.  ‘7’ desires to be nearly perfect at something/s.

The Tower card gives a story about what happens when the foundation of something keeps reaching beyond itself.  Reaching till it has grown into something that no longer understands or connects to the very root of what brought it into being in the first place.  And without the foundation of life secure and solid in the knowing of what it stands on, the Tower can take a tumble, needing to remember where it began and felt safest.

The Charioteer, shares the story of gathering, investigating, observing something they feel passionate about. giving focus to a cause, or whatever it is that they feel called into life for their own special purpose.  They will take their time and become fluent in what holds their attention.  Shear will, will drive them on.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What needs to be gathered and investigated right now?

How will you give it your focus?

What incites your suspicions and how can you shift that into a positive outlook?

Is it time for you to take your project to the next level and what does that look like?

Is your foundation strong so that you can take some risks?

Have you gotten to far away from what ‘matters’ and might need to get back to basics?

What inspires you to give all of yourself to?

Does your will-fullness hold people to you or push then away and is that working for you?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?




Focus will-fullness

The matter of it matters

Trees trust in their roots


NOTICE….  Please visit my daily poetry blog.  htpp://geezergirl.org.   thanks…