Tag Archives: PRIESTESS



2 may 2012   >  12/3/21   >   HangedOne/Empress/Universe


Nurture your life path

Births joy,goodness, and kindness

Upside down all round


Good morning… It’s very green out there in my visual world.  Quiet and grey today, making the Spring green pop.  Lovely.

I’m noticing that so far this year, we have had more Hanged One/12/3/21 days than any other day.

I hesitate to make some significance out of it only that I’m noticing, and perhaps the message is that it’s REAlly time to look at life from a new perspective, improve our nurturing skills and view the Universe as something that is a part of us rather than what surrounds us infinitely.  I’m just sayin’…. and with that said…

Today is a day for the Hanged One.  A ‘12’ leading to the ‘3’.  With the ‘21’ sending Universal reminders.  This is day/ or year, if it’s your birthday, to consider a new perspective in your life.  To take a creative view of how you have thus far aligned your life and now might need to turn it a little upside down to look at it from another angle or two.  You might already have been feeling that life has turned you upside down and whether you were ready or not.. hahah.  here you are, and now what?  I am of the thought that If you don’t know what to do, ‘hang’ with the moments till you feel the time is ready and right.  The deal is that you may have to take your time and be patient with yourself and others while the process and perspective brews.  The Empress as your sidekick here, invites you to think creatively and nurture a new possibility.  Have some fun with it and life and risk making a few mistakes and consider yourself highly creative. The Universe, your other ally here, pushes at the edges of your life from a broader perspective, reminding you that you are indeed part of Infinite wisdom and only need to allow yourself to tap into that vastness.




What new perspective might you need to consider?

How can you be more patient with yourself and others?

What is a Universal ‘truth’ for you and how might you pay attention to it?

How do you nurture the world around you?  What might you do a bit better?

How do you feel about just letting go of your attachment to making a decision right now?

What one thing might you do to expand your view of the world?

Is there a class or creative project that is waiting for you to take action?

What does it feel like to wait and then maybe wait a little more and know that that is perfect?

What do you take soooo seriously that gets in the way of your joy?

How can you nurture yourself?  What does that mean anyway?

Can you create one day/evening a week for simply having fun?


This blog is copyright.  Please take a visit to my poetry blog.  http://geezergirl.org 



29 april 2012   >   11/20/2  >  Passion/Adjustment/balance/Aeon/Priestess


Stand on the pin point

Make passion your brilliance

Adjust discernment


Today is a day, a year to give yourself to your passions, and find balance in what you wish to shine up and give luster to.  A time to notice what internal dialogue you have going on and is it the kind of conversation with yourself that you are enjoying.  This is a day or year, should it be your birthday, to look beyond the veil of your limited mind and feel from your intuition or your gut a larger possibility.  It might not be the whole truth and it might be a bit more inspired information to ignite your passion.  

Feeling and noticing your inner urges to express yourself.  Finding ways to be appropriate in that exchange between what inspires you and what feels right.  

‘11’ finds it way to the ‘2’, the number of exchange, finding counsel within yourself or finding counsel in a trusted friend or therapist.  Sitting quietly and allowing yourself to feel and see beyond the veil between what is obvious and what lies hidden.

And… lastly, within the story of the Aeon/Judgement card rests the call to accountability.  Discerning what is presented before you and making ‘judgement calls’ appropriately. 




What inspires you to get up each morning?

How might you shine up your life and buff it to sparkle?

Who needs you to counsel them without it being about you?

Do you need counsel now to get out of a rut?

What sits right in front of your face that gets in the away of your seeing the totality of all you can be?

What seeds of life and inspiration, luster and passion do you plant now so they can bloom in your summer?

How might you put a Spring in your step and a seed in your earthly life?

What have you been talking about and pondering that now needs to rise up and feel the light of your action?

What have you needed to say that you have put off?  How can you say it lovingly?

How do you balance your busy mind with trusting your intuition?

 How do you give trust to your intuition?

What do your instincts tell you?





20 april  2012    >  11/20/2  >  Lust/Passion/Judgement/Aeon/Priestess



Luster up you life

Imagine you flame

Be the Sun rising


Hi There… Another lovely morning in my corner of the world.  Taking big breathes… Feeling the moment fill me up and then letting it go.  Noticing the day’s sounds and the chill in the air.  The soft light rises making the new green all bright and sparkly.  AND.. a little sippy of the coffee… aaaah.. 

Today is a day, a year to give yourself to your passions;  that fire in your belly, that desire you have yearned for, that recreation of what ‘turned-you-on’ and you let it fizzle away…what you wish to shine up and give luster to.  It is a time to notice what internal dialogue you have going on about what lights you up, and is it the kind of conversation with yourself that you are enjoying.  This is a day or year, should it be your birthday, to look beyond the veil of your limited mind and feel from your intuition or your gut a larger possibility.  It might not be the whole truth and it might be a bit more inspired information to ignite your passion.  

Feeling and noticing your inner urges to express yourself.  Finding ways to be appropriate in that exchange between what inspires you and what feels right.  

‘11’ finds it way to the ‘2’, and the Priestess… the number of exchange, finding counsel within yourself or finding counsel in a trusted friend or therapist.  Sitting quietly and allowing yourself to feel and see beyond the veil between what is obvious and what lies hidden.

And… lastly, within the story of the Aeon/Judgement card rests the call to accountability.  Discerning what is presented before you and making ‘judgement calls’ appropriately. 




What inspires you to get up each morning?

How might you shine up your life and buff it to sparkle?

Who needs you to counsel them without it being about you?

Do you need counsel now to get out of a rut?

What sits right in front of your face that gets in the away of your seeing the totality of all you can be?

What seeds of life and inspiration, luster and passion do you plant now so they can bloom in your summer?

How might you put a Spring in your step and a seed in your earthly life?

What have you been talking about and pondering that now needs to rise up and feel the light of your action?

What have you needed to say that you have put off?  How can you say it lovingly?

How do you balance your busy mind with trusting your intuition?

 How do you give trust to your intuition?

What do your instincts tell you?





2 April 2012   >  11/2/20   >   Passion/luster/Priestess/Judgement/Aeon




Polish passions call

What say your instinct counsel

Feel your way into


Today is a day, a year to give yourself to your passions, what you wish to shine up and give luster to.  A time to notice what internal dialogue you have going on and is it the kind of conversation with yourself that you are enjoying.  This is a day or year, should it be your birthday, to look beyond the veil of your limited mind and feel from your intuition or your gut a larger possibility.  It might not be the whole truth and it might be a bit more inspired information to ignite your passion.  

Feeling and noticing your inner urges to express yourself.  Finding ways to be appropriate in that exchange between what inspires you and what feels right.  

‘11’ finds it way to the ‘2’, the number of exchange, finding counsel within yourself or finding counsel in a trusted friend or therapist.  Sitting quietly and allowing yourself to feel and see beyond the veil between what is obvious and what lies hidden.

And… lastly, within the story of the Aeon/Judgement card rests the call to accountability.  Discerning what is presented before you and making ‘judgement calls’ appropriately. 




What inspires you to get up each morning?

How might you shine up your life and buff it to sparkle?

Who needs you to counsel them without it being about you?

Do you need counsel now to get out of a rut?

What sits right in front of your face that gets in the away of your seeing the totality of all you can be?

What seeds of life and inspiration, luster and passion do you plant now so they can bloom in your summer?

How might you put a Spring in your step and a seed in your earthly life?

What have you been talking about and pondering that now needs to rise up and feel the light of your action?

What have you needed to say that you have put off?  How can you say it lovingly?

How do you balance your busy mind with trusting your intuition?

 How do you give trust to your intuition?

What do your instincts tell you?





21 march 2012    >   11/2/20  >  Lust/Passion/Priestess/Judgement/Aeon



Shine up your moments

Polish the space between space

Inspire expansion



The first full day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. Yesterday being the Equinox. I wake to the calming sound of birds singing and the smell of green wafting through my window. My kitty calling out to be fed. (not always so calming)

Today is a day to give yourself to your passions, what you wish to shine up and give luster to.  A day to notice what internal dialogue you have going on and is it the kind of conversation with yourself that you are enjoying.  This is a day or year, should it be your birthday, to look beyond the veil of your limited mind and feel from your intuition or your gut a larger possibility.  It might not be the whole truth and it might be a bit more inspired information to ignite your passion.  




What inspires you to get up each morning?

How might you shine up your life and buff it to sparkle?

Who needs you to counsel them without it being about you?

Do you need counsel now to get out of a rut?

What sits right in front of your face that gets in the away of your seeing the totality of all you can be?

What seeds of life and inspiration, luster and passion do you plant now so they can bloom in your summer?

How might you put a Spring in your step and a seed in your earthly life?

What have you been talking about and pondering that now needs to rise up and feel the light of your action?

What have you needed to say that you have put off?  How can you say it lovingly?

How do you balance your busy mind with trusting your intuition?





12 march 2012   >  11/20/2   >   Lust/passion/Strength/Judgement/Aeon/Priestess




Take hidden away

See beyond what eyes can see

You are the forest


A day/year to express your passion, your lust for life.  A time to trust your intuition and pay attention to your instincts.  Feeling and noticing your inner urges to express yourself.  Finding ways to be appropriate in that exchange between what inspires you and what feels right.  

‘11’ finds it way to the ‘2’, the number of exchange, finding counsel within yourself or finding counsel in a trusted friend or therapist.  Sitting quietly and allowing yourself to feel and see beyond the veil between what is obvious and what lies hidden.

If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




How will you lift ‘the veil’ between what you know and what you think you know?

What counsel are you in need of?

How can your vulnerability be your strength?

What does it mean to experience the luster of life?

How are you accountable to yourself and others?

How do you give trust to your intuition?

What do your instincts tell you?

How do create clear communications?

What does a ‘partnership of the heart’ feel like for you?

What can two do better than one?

How does the creative force of two bring it all together?




3 march 2012    >  11/20/2  >   Lust/Passion/Judgement/Aeon/Priestess

TAROT HAIKUHeart hand n mouth.jpg

Passion deep within

Listens to the counsel call

Know all of thy self

Good morning… Sippy the coffee… relax into the morning. Letting move in and around me.  How about you?

Today, is a day to consider your Passion.  How it speaks to you, moves your heart and mind, dances on your body.  Calls you to investigate your intuition, and trust your instincts.  A day to give yourself to yourself and listen to your own counsel.  There is accountability in this card as there is in all these cards; a calling forth in life, to not so much make ‘judgement’, more like feeling the rise and call to notice where you’ve been and what you will do and be now.

‘2’, the number of communion, exchange, counsel, guidance, mediator, seeing both sides to a story; ‘2s’ care how people connect and the mysteries of togetherness.   In the Tarot, one of the ‘2s’ is the ‘11’, this is todays number  with the other ‘2s’ the allies at work to support it.

In the Crowley deck, “Lust implies not only strength, but the joy of strength exercised. It is vigour, and the rapture of vigour. (BT p. 91-92)”  It is that ‘vigour’ that we’re talking about here; that taking charge, feeling your vulnerability and finding strength in that.  Not letting the overwhelm of life take charge of you rather you taking charge of it.

In the ‘20’, Aeon/Judgement, there is the calling to accountability, really ‘seeing’ life from a higher perspective, understanding the timelessness of it all, knowing where you’ve been and feeling yourself fully present right now.

In the Priestess, there is the invitation to what is beyond what we can see, the exchange with the inner world of mystery and personal counsel.  The knowing that in the silence and quest for deep spiritual knowledge; it is in the listening to your quiet wisdom.

If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.


What in-vigors you to take action on your own behalf?

How can you invite your passions back into your life?

What in your past might you need to let go of so you can live fully right now?

In what ways are you living a life of accountability to yourself and others?

If your own ‘counsel’ is not working at this time, can you find someone to assist you?

How do you balance your intuition with your instincts?

How can you ‘priestess’ yourself?  What does that mean anyway?

Are you ready to find out what is just beyond your sight?  Can you listen?

Who/What needs you to be clear in your communications and speak to what needs saying lovingly?

How will you become a better communicator?

How can you put some luster back into your life?  What needs polishing up?



22 feb  2012   >   11/20/2   >   Lust/balance/Aeon/judgement/Priestess


Happy Birthday Lynn and Harry.  This one’s for you two.


‘2’, the number of communion, exchange, counsel, guidance, mediator, seeing both sides to a story; ‘2s’ care how people connect and the mysteries of togetherness.   In the Tarot, one of the ‘2s’ is the ‘11’, this is todays number  with the other ‘2s’ the allies at work to support it.  Lust, that sounds all so exciting and it is and isn’t.  

In the Crowley deck, “Lust implies not only strength, but the joy of strength exercised. It is vigour, and the rapture of vigour. (BT p. 91-92)”  It is that ‘vigour’ that we’re talking about here; that taking charge, feeling your vulnerability and finding strength in that.  Not letting the overwhelm of life take charge of you rather you taking charge of it.  

In the ‘20’, Aeon/Judgement, there is the calling to accountability, really ‘seeing’ life from a higher perspective, understanding the timelessness of it all, knowing where you’ve been and feeling yourself fully present right now.  

In the Priestess, there is the invitation to what is beyond what we can see, the exchange with the inner world of mystery and personal counsel.  The knowing that in the silence and quest for deep spiritual knowledge; it is in the listening to your quiet wisdom.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What in-vigors you to take action on your own behalf?

How can you invite your passions back into your life?

What in your past might you need to let go of so you can live fully right now?

In what ways are you living a life of accountability to yourself and others?

If your own ‘counsel’ is not working at this time, can you find someone to assist you?

How do you balance your intuition with your instincts?

How can you ‘priestess’ yourself?  What does that mean anyway?

Are you ready to find out what is just beyond your sight?  Can you listen?

Who/What needs you to be clear in your communications and speak to what needs saying lovingly?

How will you become a better communicator?

How can you put some luster back into your life?  What needs polishing up?




Polish up passion

Feel the vigor from the deep

Mystery reveals












13 feb 2012    >  20/11/2    >  Judgement/Aeon/Lust/Strength/Priestess


A ‘2’ day/year.  Looks busy up there doesn’t it?  Aren’t all days busy and we want to slow them down a bit?  The ‘2’ with all it’s friends invites you into cooperation.  To create a dialogue, and exchange with other and also within yourself.  Creating good communication skills.  Speaking from the ‘I’ as opposed to pointing the finger at other and creating defense.  The Judgement/Aeon cards invite you into being accountable for what you say and do in the world.  Calling on your personal wisdom to make good decisions.  Lust/Strength, give the invitation to knowing your vulnerability and trusting your intuition and instincts.  The Priestess gives counsel, whether you listen to your own inner counsel or it’s a time to find counsel in other: she/he stands between the worlds of what you know/imagine, think/feel, comprehend/query. 

Also, associated with the Major Arcana of the day, are the ‘2’ of sword, ‘2’ of wands, ‘2’ of cups, and the ‘2’ of pentacles.  I consider these card ‘the work’ cards.  Where your work for this year/day is.  In the swords, you look for clarity and the cutting away of what isn’t serving you.  In the wands, there is your passions, what gets you up and moving, how you light up, or light your way, in the cups is your flow, your heart, how you feel, in the pentacles is what you do, and how you do it, the stable, steady experience of it all.

Within all these cards is the polarity of the positive.  What isn’t clear, what doesn’t feel light, what doesn’t flow, what feels unstable and not working?  I invite you into considering that.

If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.




How will you lift ‘the veil’ between what you know and what you think you know?

What counsel are you in need of?

How can your vulnerability be your strength?

What does it mean to experience the luster of life?

How are you accountable to yourself and others?

How do you give trust to your intuition?

What do your instincts tell you?

How do create clear communications?

What does a ‘partnership of the heart’ feel like for you?

What can two do better than one?

How does the creative force of two bring it all together?



Exchange with other

Speak from the heart of the ‘I’

Lift the veil unknown