Tag Archives: THE STAR



6 june 2012   >   8/17   >   Adjustment/Balance/Justice/The STAR



Fairly adjusted

Sun to blue, Stars to night sky

Atmosphere changes


Thanks for joining me this morning.  Did anyone see/fee/experience last evenings Venus ‘eclipse’ of the Sun?  The Solar Feminine.   One my other blog, http://geezergirl.org  I wrote a poem about the what came up for me with this special Cosmic event.  I’ll share it here this morning after I share my thoughts and feeling about todays number and card.


Todays invitation is about balance, justice, adjusting life just right so you can settle in to what feels right and comfortable for you: managing the ebb and flow of life’s endless gifts and interferences.

The number ‘8’ and the tarot card Balance/Adjustment, and Justice along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17)give of their wisdom today and if it’s your birthday, a whole year of considering this questions and thoughts I share with you here.

 Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowley’s delineation, making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is Wisdom’s way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 

In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How do you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What is interfering with your sense of balance and equilibrium and what might you do shift that?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?


Please visit my poetry blog.   http://geezergirl.org    thanks




She enters him Lightly

Filling him slowly

Letting him take in 

his dark corners



She enters him Lightly

Gives fully her body

Lets him feel

the depth of



She enters him Lightly

exposing him completely

nothing is left unseen

everything is



She enters him Lightly

He now knows absolutely

his inner light takes action

on behalf of great





25 may 2012    >  8/17  >  Balance/Adjustment/The Star



Lead vulnerably

Be seen transparently whole

Hold space for heaven


Hi.  Good day to you and yours.  Summer heat is rising on this Spring day.  It’s a new kind of weather pattern shifting around us.  I prefer to stay in the Be Here Now and not go into any projected future.  Enjoy my moments.  And you?


Today’s invitation is held in Balance/Adjustment, along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17) which reminds you that health and well being is important and that the health and well being of All that is around you is equally important. Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.


Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability, and being able to show your vulnerability is a gift to your living.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change; a conduit for goodness.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 


In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What needs to get out of the way of your sense of balance?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?





16 may 2012   >     8/17   >    Adjustment/balance/Justice/strength/The Star



Duality holds

In the Light and Dark repeat

Center calls you home


How is life transforming for you this morning?

Lets take a breath and clear our minds for a moment.  Again… let yourself release any conflict you can feel in your mind and body.  Breathe it away.  Feel your breath pull in goodness and Light. Fill up on a fine Sunny spring day, filling you up, greening you from the inside out.  Preparing you to flower.  Take a moment and let the calm fill you.


Todays invitation is about balance, justice, adjusting life just right so you can settle in comfort.  

Today’s invitation or your birthday year, comes from the number ‘8’ and the tarot card Balance/Adjustment, and Justice along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17). Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 

In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What needs to get out of the way of your sense of balance?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?


Please visit my poetry blog.   http://geezergirl.org    thanks




7 may 2012   >  8/17  >  Adjustment/balance/The Star


Morning… Lots of repeats here with days rolling into each other so fast.  And… I gotta think it’s alright to let you re read some of what was written before.  ALWAYs.. I write a new haiku for you.  



In the center placed

EArth to heaven touching now

Be the conduit


Today’s invitation or your birthday year, comes from the number ‘8’ and the tarot card Balance/Adjustment, along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17). Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 

In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What needs to get out of the way of your sense of balance?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?







26 april 2012    >   8/17  >   Balance/adjustment/The Star



know your body limits

Adjust streams of consciousness

Tune in to Earth’s call


Back on track.  Did you miss me?  ; )  Sorry, about yesterday’s failure to post.  It’s up now so All is good.  I hope.  I’m sure of it.  I must have let my chariot ride me too far up and out.  I usually pull a card in tandem with the daily card.  The question I hold when I ‘pull’ the card from the deck is.  What might I be reminded of through this day that is for the highest good.  lately, I have been pull the ‘6’s, several of them repeatedly and yesterday I pulled the 2 of swords which I seem to pull often.  Anyone else pull a card for the day?  And what question do you ask?

Feel free to start a dialogue here.  I welcome the conversation.


Today’s invitation or your birthday year, comes from the number ‘8’ and the tarot card Balance/Adjustment, along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17). Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 

In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What needs to get out of the way of your sense of balance?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?






8 april 2012  >  8/16  >  Adjustment/balance/Justice/The STar




Catch the starlight fall

Balance the fate of justice

Stand centered adjusting


Good morning…Peace be with you on this Christian holiday of Easter.  Whether it is your celebration or not it is a day to feel the Spring of life and the greening of the world around you and maybe within you.

What is green within you?

An 8th day of the month that actually corresponds to the daily tarot…. Yippee..Today’s invitation comes from the number ‘8’ and Balance along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17). Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance your life, how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trust what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  The fact is that there is much injustice in the world and when you can find that balance within yourself and in your immediate community; it’s a good thing.


In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.


Today is a day to consider…

*What will you reach for that balances and adjusts your life?

*How do you maintain your well being?

*How do you use your power and resources?

*How do you manage your time?

*What need to be manage right now?

*What does your body tell you that you need to know?

*What will you do that makes a difference in your ‘every day’?

*How do you listen to the world around you before you take action?

*Can you let yourself Shine?  What does that feel like?


Please feel free to ask me a question.  I welcome comments and feedback.

thanks for your visit and please also visit my Poetry blog.  A poem everyday that unfolds in the moment.  http://geezergirl.org 



27 march 2012   >  8/17   >    Balance/Adjustment/The Star



I eight the starlight

I am the beam to the Earth

Standing in center



Good morning.  The warm and early bloom of Spring came along last night and laid her frost on us.  I have yet to see what ‘damage’ that caused on all the many beauties showing off so soon.  Nature teased us…  She does that.

Today’s invitation or your birthday year, comes from the number ‘8’ and the tarot card Balance/Adjustment, along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17). Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 

In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What needs to get out of the way of your sense of balance?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this? 

What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?






18 march  2012    >  8/17  >  Balance/adjustment/justice/The Star



All is not fairness

Justice lays warped perceptions

Just be nice all-ways


Today’s invitation comes from the number ‘8’ and Balance along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17). Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance your life, how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trust what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.


In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.


Today is a day to consider…

*What will you reach for that balances and adjusts your life?

*How do you maintain your well being?

*How do you use your power and resources?

*How do you manage your time?

*What needs you to manage it right now?

*What does your body tell you that you need to know?

*What will you do that makes a difference in your ‘every day’?

*How do you listen to the world around you before you take action?

*Can you let yourself Shine?  What does that feel like?


Please feel free to ask me a question.  I welcome comments and feedback.

thanks for your visit and please also visit my Poetry blog.  A poem everyday that unfolds in the moment.  http://geezergirl.org 



9  march  2012    >  8/17  >   Balance/adjustment/justice/The Star




On one toe standing

The twig dances in the wind

Prepare for landing


In the  number ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life, how you order your spiritual life,  how you live in the material world. and possibly how you navigate in a spirited/spiritual way.  ‘8’ can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful of how you use your power. This not about ‘power over’ rather about self empowerment and leading from the heart knowing the balance of power and adjusting accordingly.

Pretty easy to see how the ‘Balance/adjustment’ card smoothly fits into the ‘8’.

Balancing the use of self power, adjusting to the influx of other energy that pushes at your edges, realizing that life is not fair and equal for everyone and maybe not for you too.  There is importance in shifting attitude to adjust to endless situations that challenge, or flow, or whatever they do in your sphere of reference,or influence.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset, and that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle of change, are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of, and mind-full of. (that was a long sentence, whew) 


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What needs to get out of the way of your sense of balance?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?







28 feb 2012   >  17/8   >   The Star/Adjustment/Balance/Justice



Adjust the balance

Like change it changes again

Wind catches bird wings


Today’s invitation comes from the number ‘8’ and Balance along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17). Some tarot authored decks differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowleys delineation making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance your life, how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trust what you know is the way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.


In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.


If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.


Today is a day to consider…

*What will you reach for that balances and adjusts your life?

*How do you maintain your well being?

*How do you use your power and resources?

*How do you manage your time?

*What needs you to manage it right now?

*What does your body tell you that you need to know?

*What will you do that makes a difference in your ‘every day’?

*How do you listen to the world around you before you take action?

*Can you let yourself Shine?  What does that feel like?


Please feel free to ask me a question.  I welcome comments and feedback.

thanks for your visit and please also visit my Poetry blog.  A poem everyday that unfolds in the moment.  http://geezergirl.org