Tag Archives: NUMEROLOGY


2013…= 6… In Tarot cards, ‘6’ is the number of The Lovers.


A year for Love; self love, love of other.  There is invitation in this year to notice how you give and receive love.  How you place expectation around the love you give/or not, and the choice to choose harmony, kindness, and care as you move through your moments and days.  Whether in an intimate way or in passing, there is always an opportunity to consider how you will give generously of yourself.

Within this generosity of self is the mindfulness of giving without expectation, without condition on how the giving ‘should’, ‘could’, ‘outta’, ‘I hope’ the return will be.    Allowing the giving to be your joy with no want of return.

For many of us, this can be really challenging, when we feel we give and give and give with very little that feels like a return; wanting something back, wanting to be given the same love we feel we are giving and ending up feeling empty.

I invite you, if you feel this way, to consider if what you are giving comes from the heart, and requires no need of return? Or, are you giving because it’s expected, or you desire and hunger for some love in return that isn’t there in the way you want it?  Are you ending up missing the love that comes to you because you’re to immersed in only one way that you perceive it and are willing to receive it?

Love is limitless and comes in so many subtle and expansive ways.  A heart open with out expectation will reap what love is sowed. A heart that is compartmentalizes limits the gift of Love that  may not fall into any one of the little compartments that you place what you believe Love should rest or how it should Be defined.

Let this year, this invitation to Be the Love you wish to see, feel, experience, and Be.

You get to choose.

Can you give without expectation?

Can you love yourself unconditionally?

Can you be fearless in your Love?

Can you summon Love to you when it feels like love has left the room?

How will you invite love into your days and moments?

How can you open your heart a little bit further to give and receive it?

Can you be loving even if it means you must step away from the receiver and let them do what they may?

Who needs a little more love from you right now?

Can you be OK with asking for more love and receive that there might  not be love available in the way you want it?

Can you believe you are absolutely worth of being love and are actually, always loved?


Happy New year…

Peace and LOve.



12 july 2012     >   6/15     >  Lovers/Devil



Love is everywhere

There is no place it can’t be

Eyes closed breathe it in


Good morning… Thought I’d summersault my way to these pages this morning.  Clearly, a daily TArot and numerology experience is not going to happen here, tho’ I do so love sharing my perceptions here with you.  It wasn’t all that long ago that I ‘interviewed’ the Lovers, (13th june) and here that day rolls back as it does in what seems often.

How ever it all shakes out, this is a day of relationships, communion with others, the gift of caring, giving and receiving, the experience of deepening yourself with yourself through the exchange with others.  

In this dual world of light n’ dark, sorrow and joy, all those opposites staring each other in the face; this is a day to find awareness in your own humanity, and how you can take those opposites and find your center.  People, relationships, love, communion, all are ways to know who you are in the world.  How you can be your best self by the reflection of others.  

Be-devilment, is that piece of the story that stirs the pot of these exchanges allowing for deeper and more meaningful challenges to rise to support or inhibit your relationships.  

And, when questions of trust, or a feeling of giving and giving and getting nothing in return rise, the Devil pokes and prods you into finding the sweet spot to figuring that all out.  Only, it doesn’t often feel very good in the process.  So, if you give and feel there is no return and you’re on empty, maybe it’s a time to consider this: are you giving for the simple joy of giving or are you giving cause you desire return.  To give in a pure sense, is to receive.  If relationships are not feeling good, then is it time to settle into observing the journey?  Is this how you wish your ‘Heart’s Desire’ to flow?  If not, than what is your intention?  And how can you find the joy in the center?




How do you sustain harmony and balance in your life?

When do you notice that you have ‘giving yourself away’ and there isn’t enough for just you?

If the ‘Devil made you do it’, what would you have done otherwise?

What patterns rise for you when life is going well and balanced, and you get restless to stir the pot up by creating disharmony?  Why?

How do you make sure that you are taking care of yourself as well as others?

How does the ‘be-devilment’ remind you of who you really are?

How do you trick yourself into believing the unbelievable?

How will you nurture your relationships in a healthy way?

How do you make friends with your devilish side?

What would you like to do differently from your usually pattern of caregiving that still feels like you are giving and receiving?


THE TOWER ON THE 4th of July


4th july 2012     16/7    Tower/Chariot


Good morning.  A beautiful gracious morning here.  I’m on a lake, at a cottage in Northern Michigan with my family feasting on the smells and sounds of nature.  I sit here with great gratitude, inhaling it all as the sun rises with the intense chatter of birds.  Lucky me.

Last night in honor of the Full Moon in Capricorn, I did a ritual.  It was a global group ritual, in which I gathered with others and joined as One Light for the healing and evolvement of the Earth, us, and all that have gather here to be part of this Earthly plan.  The intention was/is to know your Divinity as God/Goddess/Source/Oneness, what ever you choose to call It, and connect with “All that Is” as a group not the separate self.  To shift the Duality that keeps us separate and see that WE ARE ALL ONE.  Everything…

For me it was laying out an altar, laying out some cards, and sitting in silence with the intentions I wrote down that I considered in tandem with holding Divinity and Group consciousness.


It’s interesting to me that it is a Tower day as the planet Pluto (I still think of it as a planet ; )) which is in Capricorn digs us deep into the core of life, pushing our emotions, pushing at the structures set in place to make life here as it is, inviting us, testing us, to take responsibility for what is happening globally and the churning of how we feel about it All.


The energy on this planet is palpable.  For me,  I feel it deeply at my core with Pluto being my guide whether I like it or not.  Can you feel the shifts and changes?


The Tower speaks to stability and structures that have lost their connection to the very foundation that gave to their evolvement to be bigger, better, more powerful, leaving behind the core reason, core foundation that they built their power on.  Communication has been lost, even ignored by ‘the Top’ in relationship to the foundation that is needed to sustain them/it.  Ultimately, the Tower sways, and shifts and will tumble.  The focus of the ‘7’, the intention, the inspiration that is in that number, takes the on the negative qualities and becomes lost to the illusion of control and power.  Inspiration no longer considers everything and everyone, only to be at the top of the heap. 


I think this is very telling in our world right now and it is my prayer, my meditation that this separation ends where we all share in the goodness and kindness of each other.  So as you consider the Tower that is part of you: The positive piece of being fully connect to “As above so Below”, rather than disconnect and strayed by separation and a false sense of control and power, here are some questions to consider:


How firm is your foundation?

How strong are your roots?

What is inviting you to notice what shifts and changes you need to attend to?

How might getting back to ‘basics’ support your life right now?

Is it time to take a project to the next level?

Is your foundation feeling strong enough, steady enough to take some risks?

Are you being clear in your communications so that ALl who are on a need to know basic, Know?

HOw much more do you need and when is enough enough?

Are you too attached to the outcome?

Is it time to shift your attention to something that will work better for you?

‘7’ of what?













21 june 2012    >  14/5  >  Alchemy/Art/Hierophant 



Get out of the box

Find difference in common

Seek yourself in All


Hello…And yippee for the first full day of Summer.  The longest day and shortest night. Summer actually began shortly after 7pm EDT yesterday.   What does it feel like to allow allll that LIght in?  To experience the vastness of your own bright light?  


 It’s clear that doing this daily tarot and numerology is not happening as I intended it to, and I do wish to share the days info in some way.  I’m figuring that out so if you are making visits here please be patient as I’m crafting a better way to do this and it might take me some time.  I’d like to share more wisdom of the cards especially and invite you to feel and find your own magic within the stories of the TArot cards.  I’d be grateful if any of you had a share or link to some of your insights.


What I invite you to do is to total the day up and than role through some of my previous info about that number and cards while expand and travel my way to make this blog more inviting and more expansive.  Like the LIght.


On this first full day of Summer is Alchemy and the Hierophant.  An invitation to take creative risk:  To resource possibilities and see what happens when you mix them up.  It’s an Outta’ The Box kinda day.  Dabbling with the magic and wonder of surprise.  And, the Hierophant, with all her/his spirituality seeking and holding space for a spiritual experience, there is the mixing of differences to find commonality.  

With all this Summer Light, shine it in unlikely corners and ‘see’, really look to find yourself uncovering deeper meaning in your life.  Embrace the unlikely, to know the impossible. Cause really… nothing is impossible.




What box do you need to get out of?

What creative risks are you willing to take?

What resources do you need to gather?

How can you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone?

What opportunities is standing right in front of you that you keep avoiding?

Do the boundaries you make for yourself actually support the life you desire to live?

What happens when you flow against the typical flow of life?

Can you do it scared?

Can you let go of your attachment to making it perfect and just see what happens?

How does perfection keep you from enjoying your life?

How can you remain safe and secure and still stretch yourself out of your box?


If you have any questions that you’d like to ask me… please do.


Please visit my poetry blog… http://geezergirl.org  thanks




17 june 2012  >  10/19/1   >  Wheel of Fortune/Sun/Magician


Hello and welcome.  I’m having a lazy moment that has lasted a few days and I’m reposting 8th of Junes, ‘Invitation’ and interview with the Wheel.  Also, if you’d like another take on it, please visit the 27th of May posting…    I’m still in the mist of pondering how I can make this more interesting and exciting for me to write, and then that would be for you too.  I welcome any insights that you might have and would like to share with me.  

thanks again for your visit.  Namaste’


8 june 2012   >  10/19/1   >  Wheel of Fortune/The Sun/Magician


Good morning…  I’m going to continue to interview the daily Major Arcana cards.  What I hope will come from this process, this invitation, is that as you consider the day and/or your birthday year, you will get a sense of what It might feel like to enter a day in the life of one of these Archetypes and see/feel/smell… have a sensorial experience of what you might desire to get from your wisdom that is found within their story.  Remembering, that this is a very limited moment with the Wheel and an invitation and opportunity to feel what comes up for you as you allow the energy of the card to manifest in you world.  I will follow up with some questions that you might consider for you own sense of being/experiencing the card.

As for the numerology, I will keep that brief.

 A day of being a ‘10’ that leads to.. #1: knowing your Oneness, knowing that you are at One with all there is and all you are.  It is about how you initiate your life, how you stand centered and your sense of personal awareness.  In considering The Wheel of Fortune, which can represent the Circle of Life; turning and changing,  up and down, east and west, ever inviting you in to your center where the journey of life is more steady and focused. That center can be where the Sun shine directly on you to help you flourish and see where you’re going and how you’re growing.



   Is there any place on your Wheel that you particularly like to be?


   I am the whole wheel, not just a piece of it.  360 degrees, of Life.  And, when I concentrate on different places within me I do notice that I feel different when I’m at the bottom, or the south of me.  It depends,  sometimes that feels very stable and secure, foundational, and sometimes it feels too low and to caught in the material world?  Stuck rather than grounded. It requires an attitude shift so I don’t get all negtive and down.  I just push myself up, reach out and up.  I reach up for the top to clear my mind, feeling the move slowly cause I can take my time in the west part of me.  That middle place between my security, and my top place of mental agility.  In the west, I can feel fluid.  It’s in the western part of my Life that I have a sense of feeling more flowing and sensitive.  I might linger there for a bit so I have a sense of where I want to move to before I get caught in too much analyzing and mental blabber. Of course, there I can bury myself in too much feeling and get caught in that rather than allowing myself to feel fully and move along.   The top of me can be fun, and it also can be stern, or confused.  A lot happens when life reaches ‘The Top’ as long as I don’t get to heady and forget the ‘roots’ of me.   It’s nice once all that gets figured out and move clockwise to the eastern side of my life.  Take a breath and watch the Sun rise cause the Sun is very much a part of who I am.  


  Right.  Of course you’re the Whole Wheel, what was I thinking.  It’s clear that getting caught too long in one part of your life can be overwhelming.  Is it the shifting between the many parts of you that helps keep you centered?


  It’s the shifting and also, going right to the center of myself where everything is calm and one thing isn’t pulling me one way; although I have to say it’s a busy life and every part wants to be the primary piece.  If you  know what I mean?  And, if I can hold to that center long enough, steady my breathing, be aware of what grounds me, notice my spirit, allow myself to go with the flow of calm, and peace, I am truly All of myself all at once.  It’s nice.


  I like that.  Being in the Center of yourself where all is calm and peaceful.  HOw about when you get out on the edges of yourself? 


   Oh.. that happens.  Something is bound to toss me out there.  HA… And when that happens I’m kinda holding on for dear life.  I feel like I’m clinging and flinging about.  When that happens I go to that place of allowing.  What I mean by that is that I allow myself to hang on for a bit to see where it takes me.  Is this a time when I need to feel the pull of the edges, experience a creative moment, or is this a time when the edges want to slices a piece of me off and let me flounder?  What is the lessons out here past what feels safe?  If an answer comes relatively quickly, then I know I’m suppose to experience this.  If it feels like the answer is muddled and messy, I do my best to breath… get back into my body at the center of myself. 


  That makes a lot of sense.  In closing, is there any special wisdom you’d like to tell our readers?


  It’s your Life.  It’s a wheel within a wheel, bumping and experiencing, and passing, and exchanging with many other Wheels.  Remember, that the wheel turns and what comes up goes down and what goes down comes back up.  Ever moving is your life, your Fortunate self living at the Center, or the edges.  YOu choose.  Your center will Always be your place of goodness, and where you will have time to find peace and Wisdom.




How do you stay centered in yourself and if not how will you?

How will you push your edges and try to expand a little bit more?

What does the wheel of your life look like and how does it turn?

What new beginning is pushing at your edges to consider or take action on?

What can you do that supports that feeling of magic in the air?

If you ‘are the One’, how does your Oneness join with others?

What does the tool of ‘earth’ mean to you?  

What does the tool of ‘fire’ mean to you

What does the tool of ‘water’ mean to you?

What does the tool of ‘air’ mean to you?

How can you use these tool to move with changes and turns of your life?


This blog is copyright.  Please… visit my Daily Poetry Blog..http://geezergirl.org.  Thanks so much.










12 june 2012   >   5/14    >  Hierophant/Alchemy/Art/Temperance


Hi and welcome.  I hope my couple of days absence wasn’t annoying.  I had to attend to my niece’s graduation and my brother’s memorial service.  New beginnings and endings.  All very emotional.

 Today, the Hierophant and the number ‘5’.  ‘5’ is the outta the box number.  And also when you look to the five pointed star you can see the symbolism of the ‘5’ there.  Those five points can represent the appendages of ‘man’: Head, arms, legs.  What we reach out for.

Today is a day/year to consider how attached you are to form and order, and do you need to get out of your ‘box’?  In other words, are you confined, defined, stuck in a structure in your life that  is not really expansive and creative anymore?





   How does ‘getting out of the box’ have anything to do with a person on a spiritual path?


   I think that in order to expand your self, your way of thinking, feeling, doing, it’s necessary to step out of your comfort zone.  And, also, to embrace a wider point of view on life and living.  To be invested in your spiritual path work, or any kind of work no matter how you define it, seems to me that having attachments to only ‘One Way’ of experiencing this vast world, you limit your ‘highest good’ from expressing itself in your life.  Many ways, All ways will ultimately lead you to your highest good.  That’s why I step beyond what I have been told, or witnessed, or read, or imagine, so that I can have some feeling, thoughts, resources, for a greater vision of how we all live, how we all process living.  Thus, the idea of ‘getting out of the box’ is necessary to letting go of limited thinking and doing.


   That makes sense to me.  What do you mean by ‘highest good’?  and What makes you believe or think that all paths lead to our ‘highest good’?   


   HIghest good eliminates being specific and invites a vaster possibilities.  For example;  you might need more money.  Rather than running a list of what you will do to get it or imagine it to come in a specific, certain way, I invite you to allow the ‘highest good’ for your need, or desire for money to come to you, to show itself to you.  The opportunity with this form of thinking/feeling is that within this ‘invite’ there is the hope of an open heart and mind to receive it no matter what form it comes in.  To be open to the possibility that it may not come as you as you envisioned it but rather it will come to you for our ‘highest good’.   You might miss the best by closing yourself down to specifics.  Widen your vision, your heart, your mind, your spirit to receive.  This allows you recognize the gift that you asked for to come and serve you and that you will serve it well.


  How does this relate to ‘Out of the box’ thinking and living?


   It’s all very nice to have security and the warmth and comfort of what you need in life to feel safe and loved.  And… sometimes it can lead to stagnancy and limited living and thinking.  Life in a dual world will push at you and push at you.  Its what it does.   Complacency, holds you captive in a very dull way of living till something whaps you on the side of the head or some drama takes place and you’re forced to make change cause resistance is futile against change.

Some people are inclined to pushes out of their safety zone and explore the vast wonder of possibilities and it can be scary.  The Universe is brilliant and magnificent.  I love to question it, search it, and seek out vast resources to understand the wonder of it.  Because, all that do will lead me to my highest self, my farthest reach which is limitless.


   That’s a lot to take in.  thanks.  Any other wise words you’d like to share with us this morning?


   Remember that you have as much time as you need.  Take little steps.  And know that you are loved always and in All ways.


*If today is your birthday, these are questions to consider for the whole year.  Grab one or all and see what stirs you up.  Change the wording around to make it feel right for you.  As you ponder these thoughts and questions, please take a moment to sit quietly and breathe.  Let your breath guide you into a quiet place for the questions to have a moment to brew and shimmer.  Invite your wisdom to be your guide.  And remember, if overwhelm sets in, take a very little step.  You have as much time as you need.



What might you need to re-source?

What urges you to give it try but your fear of the outcome gets in the way?

Can you do it anyway?

If you got out of your box, what would it feel/look/taste like?

Can you get out of your box and know that it’s still there supporting you on your journey?

Who might you talk to that can help you?

How do you step out of the routine of you life and seek something different and full-filling?

How might you bring a spiritual practice into your life?

What small step can you take that pulls you out of the doldrumss of life and fills you with creativity and joy?

How do you stay grounded exploring ‘out-of-the-box?

How do you allow your feelings to expand as you reach out?

What thoughts are prevalent in this and need more clarification as you explore?

What ‘lights-you up’ and fills your passion as you explore the great beyond?





8 june 2012   >  10/19/1   >  Wheel of Fortune/The Sun/Magician


Good morning…  I’m going to continue to interview the daily Major Arcana cards.  What I hope will come from this process, this invitation, is that as you consider the day and/or your birthday year, you will get a sense of what It might feel like to enter a day in the life of one of these Archetypes and see/feel/smell… have a sensorial experience of what you might desire to get from your wisdom that is found within their story.  Remembering, that this is a very limited moment with the Wheel and an invitation and opportunity to feel what comes up for you as you allow the energy of the card to manifest in you world.  I will follow up with some questions that you might consider for you own sense of being/experiencing the card.

As for the numerology, I will keep that brief.

A day of being a ‘10’ that leads to.. #1: knowing your Oneness, knowing that you are at One with all there is and all you are.  It is about how you initiate your life, how you stand centered and your sense of personal awareness.  In considering The Wheel of Fortune, which can represent the Circle of Life; turning and changing,  up and down, east and west, ever inviting you in to your center where the journey of life is more steady and focused. That center can be where the Sun shine directly on you to help you flourish and see where you’re going and how you’re growing.



Is there any place on your Wheel that you particularly like to be?


I am the whole wheel, not just a piece of it.  360 degrees, of Life.  And, when I concentrate on different places within me I do notice that I feel different when I’m at the bottom, or the south of me.  It depends,  sometimes that feels very stable and secure, foundational, and sometimes it feels too low and to caught in the material world?  Stuck rather than grounded. It requires an attitude shift so I don’t get all negtive and down.  I just push myself up, reach out and up.  I reach up for the top to clear my mind, feeling the move slowly cause I can take my time in the west part of me.  That middle place between my security, and my top place of mental agility.  In the west, I can feel fluid.  It’s in the western part of my Life that I have a sense of feeling more flowing and sensitive.  I might linger there for a bit so I have a sense of where I want to move to before I get caught in too much analyzing and mental blabber. Of course, there I can bury myself in too much feeling and get caught in that rather than allowing myself to feel fully and move along.   The top of me can be fun, and it also can be stern, or confused.  A lot happens when life reaches ‘The Top’ as long as I don’t get to heady and forget the ‘roots’ of me.   It’s nice once all that gets figured out and move clockwise to the eastern side of my life.  Take a breath and watch the Sun rise cause the Sun is very much a part of who I am.


Right.  Of course you’re the Whole Wheel, what was I thinking.  It’s clear that getting caught too long in one part of your life can be overwhelming.  Is it the shifting between the many parts of you that helps keep you centered?


It’s the shifting and also, going right to the center of myself where everything is calm and one thing isn’t pulling me one way; although I have to say it’s a busy life and every part wants to be the primary piece.  If you  know what I mean?  And, if I can hold to that center long enough, steady my breathing, be aware of what grounds me, notice my spirit, allow myself to go with the flow of calm, and peace, I am truly All of myself all at once.  It’s nice.


I like that.  Being in the Center of yourself where all is calm and peaceful.  HOw about when you get out on the edges of yourself?


Oh.. that happens.  Something is bound to toss me out there.  HA… And when that happens I’m kinda holding on for dear life.  I feel like I’m clinging and flinging about.  When that happens I go to that place of allowing.  What I mean by that is that I allow myself to hang on for a bit to see where it takes me.  Is this a time when I need to feel the pull of the edges, experience a creative moment, or is this a time when the edges want to slices a piece of me off and let me flounder?  What is the lessons out here past what feels safe?  If an answer comes relatively quickly, then I know I’m suppose to experience this.  If it feels like the answer is muddled and messy, I do my best to breath… get back into my body at the center of myself.


That makes a lot of sense.  In closing, is there any special wisdom you’d like to tell our readers?


It’s your Life.  It’s a wheel within a wheel, bumping and experiencing, and passing, and exchanging with many other Wheels.  Remember, that the wheel turns and what comes up goes down and what goes down comes back up.  Ever moving is your life, your Fortunate self living at the Center, or the edges.  YOu choose.  Your center will Always be your place of goodness, and where you will have time to find peace and Wisdom.




How do you stay centered in yourself and if not how will you?

How will you push your edges and try to expand a little bit more?

What does the wheel of your life look like and how does it turn?

What new beginning is pushing at your edges to consider or take action on?

What can you do that supports that feeling of magic in the air?

If you ‘are the One’, how does your Oneness join with others?

What does the tool of ‘earth’ mean to you?

What does the tool of ‘fire’ mean to you

What does the tool of ‘water’ mean to you?

What does the tool of ‘air’ mean to you?

How can you use these tool to move with changes and turns of your life?


This blog is copyright.  Please… visit my Daily Poetry Blog..http://geezergirl.org.  Thanks so much.







interview with a Hermit…


7 june 2012   >  9/18    >   Hermit/Moon


HI there.  Todays is a visit with the Hermit and number ‘9’.   Keeping it all fresh here is challenging.  I thought this morning, like three minutes ago,  what might it be like to interview the Hermit.  And what might he/she have to say about who they are and how their energy, their thoughts and feelings, might invite you into a deeper knowing of who they are.  Personally, I was wondering, does that Hermit have a funny side?  What’s it like and how does that side of the Hermit give you some insights?  

I’m going to give it a go here and see what happens.  I will wear the turban, of the Hermit, and sort of channel what she/he might say to the questions.   What questions might you ask the Hermit?


Before I take on the Interview, here is some info that I have shared with you in the past to give you an idea of the kind of things you might consider when considering the Hermit, the ‘9’, and the Moon.  I will follow this up with my interviewing..  I’m thinking this could be fun.


 ‘9’, is the number for bringing-it-all-together: tying up lose ends, completing that project, that plan, that thought, so you can move on.  Being stuck in ‘9’ energy can keep things from coming to completion or missing out on an opportunity that need more action and less pondering.  

  Hermit ‘energy’  needs time to ponder and recluse; to gather energy in quietude and meditation so that there is more energy to have and more light to shine., more wisdom to gather and share.  There isn’t a time limit on the need for silence and gathering. And… once this time of quietude finds completion, Hermit energy is ready to give back and share what wisdom which was held in the shadows of life and is now ready to shine it out for others to see and feel.

    With the Moon as your ally, take a look in those shadows of yours and drag that unfinished business into the light. The Moon, speaks to cycles, the flow of feelings and thoughts that provoke those feelings, the shadows of life, how you reflect light, and the fullness of that radiance.

The Hermit, calls to your inner wisdom, lights it up and lets it shine within and out.  He/she invites you to pay attention to what you know and how you might expand on that spiritually.



  So, Hermit, can I call you by another name for this interview?


  You can call me Samuel if you like


   Thanks, SAmuel. Samuel, As I fellow that likes to bring completion to projects, what keeps you driven to make that happen?  Do you ever want to give up?


   WEll, it’s my nature to gather the lose ends, and make sure they are appropriately placed so that there is some sense of order to life.  I guess you could say I see what need completing and I ‘shine a light’ on that and help direct whom ever needs it, to it.  If that makes sense


   Ya, that makes sense to me.  You seem introverted and shy.  Is this more because it’s the nature of you, or are you too busy with the many parts of the puzzle that need placement to have a social life?


   I am busy gathering thoughts, and researching the world for information and understanding of how things work, or not.   I guess I do get very invested in all that and probably don’t give much time to my social life.    I am introverted, for sure.  And, also, once I’m finished with something, I do try to meet up with friends and have some fun.


   What’s fun for you?


   that’s a good question.  Ha.  I do like to know how things work.  And why it takes a little of this to make that.  I am a puzzle person.  I like figuring codes out and tracking personality types.  I guess that’s not so much fun for most people.  Once I ‘get’ how something comes together I feel joy and I want to share it with everyone.  I’m good at drawing all that out and giving great direction and methodologies of how stuff works.  That’s pretty fun for me.  I celebrate that with my other friends that like that kind of thing. Maybe, it’s not so fun for most people.  I love showing the way to all that.


   I think that’s really cool.  And no, it’s probably not a big belly laugh for most of us.  And, it’s very cool that someone out there, You, can do all that and lead the way.  


  Ya, it seems someone needs to help people, maybe mentor people, to understand how somethings work , or gets done.  I do consider it a gift.


  What about family and friends?  How does the beat of life flow with them and what you do?


  Pretty good if you’re not in a hurry.  And if anyones in a hurry to get from A-Z, don’t count me in on the hurry.  I take my time and I’m pretty methodical.  It takes me some time to be sure I have it ‘all together’ before I take action on behalf of what I’m doing.  I don’t zoom through life.  I like to be sure enough before I take action.  Sometimes, I miss an opportunity because of that.  I over think it, or over process it.  That can be annoying to my friends and family.  And to me to.  I can be very self absorbed in my process.  I can get sort of Moony and kinda have to disappear for awhile so I can figure things out.


   Interesting.  Would you say you’re moody?


   Maybe, but not necessarily in that way that comes out overtly.  At least, I think not.  I can be pretty quiet about it.  Only if you know me pretty well, might you really notice.   I do go in cycles.  Kind of like the Moon when I’m researching, or on a project.  Gathering, contemplation, analyzing, experimenting, more contemplation, figuring out what might work or not.  I’m not going to share what any of it is tell it feels right and together.  I’ll consider who can help and has the skill set I need to bring the pieces together.  You can’t hurry things when it’s important to people.  I care very much the impact of what I do in the world and how it intersects with peoples lives.


   I can see that.  Well, I have a million questions for you and it’s time to bring this interview together.  I know it might not seem quite finished for you and I hope that’s OK for now.


  I can be OK with that.  Thanks for letting me share myself with you all.









6 june 2012   >   8/17   >   Adjustment/Balance/Justice/The STAR



Fairly adjusted

Sun to blue, Stars to night sky

Atmosphere changes


Thanks for joining me this morning.  Did anyone see/fee/experience last evenings Venus ‘eclipse’ of the Sun?  The Solar Feminine.   One my other blog, http://geezergirl.org  I wrote a poem about the what came up for me with this special Cosmic event.  I’ll share it here this morning after I share my thoughts and feeling about todays number and card.


Todays invitation is about balance, justice, adjusting life just right so you can settle in to what feels right and comfortable for you: managing the ebb and flow of life’s endless gifts and interferences.

The number ‘8’ and the tarot card Balance/Adjustment, and Justice along with it’s Tarot ally, The Star (#17)give of their wisdom today and if it’s your birthday, a whole year of considering this questions and thoughts I share with you here.

 Some tarot-authored decks, differ on the # 8 Major Arcana; Strength/Lust or Justice/Balance.   I made a choice to use Crowley’s delineation, making the ‘8’ card Balance/Adjustment/Justice. Simply, a personal choice.  Within either choice is the opportunity to consider how you balance and adjust your life; how you consider the choices you make to address inner conflict, or trusting what you know is Wisdom’s way to sustain equality within yourself and around you.  I think there is a tending to life in a way that is supported by noticing how you feel, and trusting your intuition and instincts.  Getting to far from the center of yourself will cause imbalance.  There is this constant flow in the nature of things that seems to desire balance.

Your ‘ally’ The Star, reminds you that staying well and healthy, knowing your vulnerability can be an asset.  And that you just might be standing between ‘heaven and earth’ acting as a vehicle for change.  These are all part of this sense of Divine Order to be aware of and mind-full of. 

In the ‘8’, is the management of your resources, your time, your money, and the consideration of how you control and have power; how you lead yourself and others.  It is considered by some, the card of Divine Order.  It will be about how you order your life and live in the material world.  How do you manage it and others.  It can be dictatorial, and overly controlling.  Be Mindful.




What does Divine Order mean to you?

Can you be a vulnerable leader and what does that mean anyway?

In what ways can you adjust and find balance?

What is the difference for you between ‘power over’ and power shared and given?

How might you find justice in an unjust world?

What doesn’t feel fair right now that you can make feel/be a little better?

What is interfering with your sense of balance and equilibrium and what might you do shift that?

What isn’t working in how you manage ‘thing’ and what can you do to adjust that?

Can you let go of being perfect, or doing it ‘perfect’ so that you actually get it done?

If you feel you are on a tightrope struggling to stay balanced and centered what might you do to change this?  What needs to happen?

How will you manage your resources?

What are feeling you are losing control over that maybe you need to re-calibrate what that control is?

What is your time management?


Please visit my poetry blog.   http://geezergirl.org    thanks




She enters him Lightly

Filling him slowly

Letting him take in 

his dark corners



She enters him Lightly

Gives fully her body

Lets him feel

the depth of



She enters him Lightly

exposing him completely

nothing is left unseen

everything is



She enters him Lightly

He now knows absolutely

his inner light takes action

on behalf of great





4 june 2012   >  >   6/15   >   Lovers/Devil


Good morning. I made an oopzy yesterday and did yesterdays for today.  Sorry.  It’s actually probably easier to have the day ahead be for the next day. Did that make sense?  


 A Lovers day.  Aaaah.  Settling into a day of relationship.  If it is your birthday, it is a whole year of delving into relationship with yourself and others.  Deepening the creative force and value of the ‘6’.


In the ‘6’ there is a great desire for harmony, there is the nurturer, the care giver, the giving of the self so that others thrive, and the focus on hearth and home.  If your number is ‘6’ (add your date of birth together) you also have a charm about you that can be irresistible. Problems rise when you have given yourself away and have nothing left for you.  It’s easy to see the Lovers in this number.  

The Lovers is very much the way of the ‘6’.  Seeking partnership and connection on a heart level; really on any level.  Even for some that avoid or deny their desire or want for relationship, are actually paying a lot of attention to it by the avoidance.  And, IMO, relationships are how we deepen ourselves and find out who we really are in the land that is us.  Relationships, reflect back to us how we connect, exchange, feel love, and friendship.  How we cherish ourselves.  How is your relationship with yourself these days?


Now that Devil… well…The Devil is the trickster, he/she who sets before you choices that tease you from your path and suggest that you might want to try something different, a new fruit to flavor your life. Also, the Devil can push your denial to a higher level and invite you to go in deeper to understand that denial if you can face your fear of being loved and cared for as you are.   When you begin to question who you are and what you do, the Devil will slip into your mind, and tickle at what challenges these questions. The Devil, that little poky voice within, pushes at your marginal resolve, into something that might not be the something you had in mind.  If you know what I mean?  The Devil will challenge your relationships; the ones you have with others and the the one you have with yourself. Thus, I am of the mind that the Devil performs a gift for you on your Path of life so that you can really have a sense of your integrity, your authenticity, and how you allow harmony and love in your life. 




How do you sustain harmony and balance in your life?

When do you notice that you have ‘giving yourself away’ and there isn’t enough for just you?

If the ‘Devil made you do it’, what would you have done otherwise?

What patterns rise for you when life is going well and balanced, and you get restless to stir the pot up by creating disharmony?  Why?

How do you make sure that you are taking care of yourself as well as others?

How does the ‘be-devilment’ remind you of who you really are?

How do you trick yourself into believing the unbelievable?

How will you nurture your relationships in a healthy way?

How do you make friends with your devilish side?

What would you like to do differently from your usually pattern of caregiving that still feels like you are giving and receiving?